Grade 4 Community News

Welcome back to our Grade 4 students and families for Term 3.
It has been fantastic to see the grade 4 students settling back into their regular routines while continuing to show enthusiasm for their learning. We cannot wait for the exciting term ahead.
4G - Miss White
Hello! My name is Miss White and I joined TRPS to become 4G's teacher at the end of term 1. I am originally from England and have spent the last 4 years teaching there. I have been in Australia since January this year and I am excited to be teaching here. I love seeing my 4G students grow with confidence every day. Whilst teaching, 4G enjoys debating with me about the correct pronunciation of words (it is definitely football not soccer!) When I’m not teaching, I like to spend my time exploring all that Australia has to offer, watching rugby games and trying to find the best alternative to UK chocolate. I look forward to spending the rest of the year learning more about Tarneit Rise and the children.
In our reading unit, we have begun learning about world mountains. First, we explored how folded, fault block, dome and volcanic mountains are formed. We then discovered factors that affect mountain height, the age and temperature of mountains and animals that live on them. We can wait to learn more interesting facts!
In our writing lessons, students have been learning about the structure and features of information reports. We have self-assessed our information reports from term 2 and analysed an exemplar for our bump it up walls. We will be using the knowledge gained in our reading lessons to support our writing in this unit.
For the first few weeks of Term 3, we will be continuing with multiplication and division. In term 2, we were learning to multiply and divide by 3,4,6,7,8,9 and 10. We also had a go at some problem solving to challenge our thinking skills. Last week, we recapped skills, multiplied 3 numbers and learned how to multiply and divide by 100. Next, we are going to tackle multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
It is really important children continue to learn their multiplication facts. This will support them in multiplying and dividing quickly when progressing to trickier questions.
Some helpful websites to make their home learning fun:
Hit the button
Times table songs - youtube e.g.
Maths playground -
- Please continue to practise multiplication & division facts at home with your students.
- Please continue to read with your students regularly.
- Bastille Day is on Friday 26th July - children can dress up in the colours of the French flag.
Swimming is continuing this term.
Week 1: 4A, 4B, 4C
Week 2: 4D, 4E, 4F
Week 3: 4G, 4H, 4I
Week 4: 4J, 4K
Thank you,