Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
Welcome back for Term 3. It has been great having the children back at school and hearing all about their holidays. We have some exciting things planned for this term!
This term, we have started learning about the First Australians during our Read2Learn lessons. This is where the students are learning about the history of Australia and the original custodians (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders). We have looked at the story of Bunjil, states and languages of Australia, the importance of being sustainable humans and more.
We have started looking at how to write Historical Narratives. This unit is going to be worked on over the first six weeks of term. We have been exploring a few narratives in class such as Harry Potter and The Gruffalo where the students have been discussing the features they can see/hear. Some of the features discussed are the structure (having a beginning, middle, and end), character development (inside and outside traits), setting, and senses. During this time, we will be planning to write our own historical narratives, using historical elements we have learnt from out Reading to Learn units: Ancient Rome and The First Australians.
We have been learning Place Value during maths. This included understanding concepts such as partitioning (splitting a large number into their place value - eg. 365 is made up by 300 + 60 + 5), jump strategy (using a number line or 100s chart to “jump” to the answer), and fact families (knowing Part + Part = Whole, therefore, Whole - Part = Part). Some of the students have also been using their understanding in each of these concepts to complete a project where they have been asked to “run a candy store”.
During our eating time, we are reading the first Harry Potter book. This is also our topic for vocabulary. Each week we look at 6 words that can be found in our book. Our first week this term, we looked at the meanings for the following words:
- We have our Australian Museum trip coming up in week 4, please make sure you have paid and signed consent so that your child can come along. This can be done on compass.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a charged iPad.
- Ask your child if they need any new stationery.
- Remember to keep up the nightly reading at home and bring the student journal to school on their designated day.
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
The Grade 3 PLC Team.