Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2, families and carers, 


Welcome back to Term 3, we hope you all had a wonderful break over the school holidays. 

We wish to thank you all for attending the Student-Led Conferences on Thursday. The students thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning journey with you. 



What an amazing first week of Term 3! Grade 2 classes were lucky enough to visit the Melbourne Museum and IMAX to support their previous learning around Geography of Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. Students learned about the importance of protecting the reef and how environmental changes are damaging it. They also explored the First Peoples Nation Gallery where they deepened their understanding of Indigenous Culture by learning about how daily life has changed for Aboriginal children and families. 



During our new Read to Learn topic, students have been learning about Uluru, one of Australia’s important landmarks. They have learned about the physical features, location and climate, and explored how Uluru was formed. The students have also started learning about the History of the Anangu people and why Uluru is a sacred place. 




In writing, students have been learning about the purpose, structure and elements of persuasive writing. They have explored different language features such as high/low modality words and emotive language. Students then created their own sentences using both high modality words and emotive language to make their writing more powerful and convincing. 



Week 1 Vocabulary Words

These words can be found in the text ‘Hazel Green’




In Numeracy, Grade 2 has been learning about Data. Students generated their own questions in regard to what information they wanted to find out and surveyed their peers. After collecting their data, students created lists, tables and picture graphs to display their data and discuss their findings. 



Friendly reminders:

  • Please ensure you are continuing to support your child in getting to school by 8:45am, so that they are not missing any valuable learning time (and can reach their attendance reward goals!)
  • Encourage your child to read every night and record it in their reading journal as part of our take home reading program. 


It has been fantastic to witness our students’ continued growth! Once again, we thank you for your ongoing support.