Visual Arts News

Grade Prep:
Last week, our prep students had their first visual arts lesson and learnt about the art room layout and expectations. Using markers and crayons, they showed us what they already knew about line, shape and colour. This week, the preps followed a step-by-step guided drawing of a falling cartoon apple. This allowed them to practice the art room expectations and use controlled line to draw shapes. Here are some of their drawings:
Grade 1 & 2:
Last week, the grade one and two students learnt about the art room expectations. Students completed a guided drawing of a dragon while practicing the expectations. They followed each step in the drawing and then coloured in their creations. This week, the students focused on the elements of line and colour. Grade ones focused on primary colours (red, yellow, blue) and grade twos focused on secondary colours (green, orange, purple). To apply their understanding, students drew landscapes using black marker, then filled in each shape/section by drawing a range of different lines in their focus colours.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3 & 4:
The grade three and four students revised the art room expectations last week and completed a guided drawing of a volcano. This week, students explored the element of value. They completed a pastel observational drawing of a fruit, focusing on adding areas of light (tints) and dark (shades). By adding these highlights and shadows, students were able to add form and depth to their drawings and make them look more realistic. We are so impressed with their work!
Grade 5 & 6:
Last week, the grade five and six students completed a grey lead guided drawing of a landscape with cliffs. This drawing allowed them to practice adding depth and form to their landscapes, as well as giving them a chance to work on their shading and blending techniques. This week, the students learnt about the element of value and created an observational drawing of a candle on black paper. To begin this artwork, students explored value with pastels, using dark and light values of the same colour to create a gradient on their candle. They later created the illusion of light by blending white into other pastel colours and drawing an eye-catching flame.