Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,
Welcome back to exciting new term. This term the grade 1-6 are focusing on dance and the prep students are being introduced to the three areas of Performing Arts which are dance, drama and music.
In week 1 prep students have been learning what Performing Arts means and how we learn in the Performing Arts rooms. This week we are focusing on learning about dance and how we can move our bodies to music. The students will be dancing to a variety of songs by following guided dances as well as making up their own dance moves to a song. We are learning how to dance in time with the music.
Grade 1 and 2 students have started learning about dance by sharing their prior knowledge of dance in week 1. This week students have explored dancing in time to music and expressing emotions while dancing.
Grade 3 and 4 students have revised what they know about dance in week 1. This week students have explored dancing with different parts of their body. They have practised dancing in isolation which means they only move one part of their body at a time. Such as dancing moving only their head.
Grade 5 and 6 students have reviewed their knowledge of dance in week 1. This week students have learnt about the elements of dance and focused in on the element of body. This element focuses on the positions the body makes and the way different parts of the body are used in a dance. Students have experimented with how they use the element of body while dancing.
Prep K following a guided dance
1I dancing to Disco on Gonoodle
5G dancing to the nutbush
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V and Mrs Brant