Grade 6 Community News

Well what a start to Term 3, which has been filled with dynamic activities and learning experiences for our Grade 6 students. In just two weeks, our students have been actively engaged in a variety of enriching activities both inside and outside the classroom. As we continue through this term, we look forward to sharing more of our Grade 6 students' achievements and experiences with you. Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in your child's educational journey.
Beginning with a Bang! What a lovely way it was to start the term with our Student Led Conferences. The students did an amazing job sharing their presentations with their families. As teachers, it is always heart-warming to be part of the learning and growth conversations between families. We are very proud of what the students have achieved in semester 1 and look forward to a successful Semester 2- their very last semester of primary school!
6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E & 6G students participated in a 5-day school swimming program, delivered by the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre. The program focused on water safety and covered the aquatic elements of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum.
Wk 1 Swimming – 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E & 6G. With one day to go on Friday 6th September due to missing out on Thursday. The rest of the Grade will participate Week 4, Beginning 5th August.
The program was a tremendous success, providing our students with valuable water safety knowledge and enhancing their swimming skills. We are proud of their enthusiasm and progress throughout the week.
Thank you to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre for their excellent instruction and to our students for their participation.
In Reading: We have begun our new reading unit titled "World Deserts." Over the past two weeks, our students have been exploring the diverse and intriguing world of deserts. They started by learning about the five types of deserts: Subtropical, Coastal, Rainshadow, Interior, and Polar. Students discovered that deserts are defined by low precipitation and extreme conditions.
Focus on African Deserts:
- Sahara Desert: Students located and studied the Sahara, the largest hot desert. They learned about its vast sand dunes and extreme temperatures.
- Kalahari Desert: The class also explored the Kalahari, a semi-arid desert that supports a variety of grasses, shrubs, and wildlife.
This unit will equip our students with a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics and ecological significance of deserts around the world. We are proud of their curiosity and engagement with the topic. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our exploration of World Deserts!
Student Voices
"Learning about the Sahara was amazing! I never knew it could get so cold at night in such a hot place."
"The Kalahari Desert surprised me with its variety of plants and animals. It's not just sand!"
"I loved locating different deserts on the map. It made me realise how vast and different the world is."
In Maths: Students have been working hard on their mathematics skills, with a focus on the order of operations and creating number sequences involving whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Here’s an overview of what they’ve been learning:
BODMAS, the students are learning to use the order of operations. The learning intention for this lesson is to understand and apply the BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction) rules correctly.
Orders, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction) rules correctly. We are proud of our students' progress and their ability to apply these important mathematical concepts. These lessons are not only enhancing their calculation skills but also improving their problem-solving abilities.
In Writing:
Students are currently diving into fact files and brochures. They are learning to define and differentiate between these two formats. The students are practising how to effectively organise information, emphasising the importance of selecting appropriate subheadings and gathering relevant details through research.
They are also developing skills in logical information organisation, ensuring that content is correctly categorised and irrelevant information is left out.This learning process encourages students to write in their own words, fostering both comprehension and expression.
In Vocabulary:
Our Vocabulary Words are taken from our Read 2 Learn lessons to expand the children’s knowledge of World Deserts. Feel free to ask your child how they can use a word in a sentence and give an antonym or synonym for each word.
Vocabulary words
Bastille Day
Friday the 26th of July was a day of celebration for the children at Tarneit Rise Primary. The children and staff embraced the French culture by taking part in lots of fun activities and learning about the French National Holiday, “quatorze julliet”
The day was packed full of learning from the History of the French Revolution to the creative aspect of understanding different cultures. A fun time was had by all.
Bastille Day, also known as French National Day. It commemorates the ‘storming of the Bastille’, the day an angry mob attacked the Bastille, a state prison in Paris, because they associated the prison with the harsh rule of the King of France. This attack gave rise to the French Revolution, which forced the king to give up control of the country, leading France to a new era of freedom and equality. Much like in France on this day, at Tarneit Rise Primary School we celebrate with music, laughter, dressing in blue, red and white, and enjoying croissants. Vive la France!
Year 6 to 7 Transition forms
If you are appealing your child’s Year 7 2025 placement, you need to complete the appeal from that was attached to your confirmation letter and submit this directly to your preferred school.
By Tuesday 6 August the secondary school will notify you in writing of the outcome of your appeal.
All Year 7 2025 acceptance slips are to be returned by the 7th of August.
Wk 3, 1 August (Thursday) Courage to Care incursion
Week 4
Swimming 6F, 6H, 6I Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre