Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to another exciting term at TRPS and an extra big welcome to new children, families and staff:
- Heather Richmond – new classroom teacher
Prep – Rudayna, Leitiana, Yazan
Grade 1 – Noon, Oviyaan, Ivy
Grade 2 – Ammar, Sean
Grade 3 – Sanjam, Matthias
Grade 4 – Daeshim, Aryan
Grade 5 - Ethan
The grade 4 and 6 children have started their swimming and water safety program, and the grade 2s have gone on their excursion to the Melbourne Museum. Grade 6 children represented our school in the divisional T-Ball and Netball competition. We are so very proud of our school, and we work hard to ensure our children have high quality teaching and learning experiences right across the curriculum. Our NAPLAN results were published this week, and we are very pleased with our results. Parents recieved their child’s NAPLAN report this week. School photos have also arrived and look fabulous. These have been provided to families this week.
At The Age Education Summit held last term, the Deputy Premier and Minster for Education. The Hon. Ben Carroll MP announced the revision of the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM) and the requirement for all government schools to implement systematic synthetic phonics as a part of teaching reading in Foundation to Year 2 classes. These changes will occur from the commencement of 2025, with schools having 3 years to implement them.
At Tarneit Rise Primary School, we have always explicitly taught synthetic phonics underpinned by Science of Reading. The Science of Reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. This research has been conducted over the last five decades across the world and informs how proficient reading and writing develop.
Teaching English at TRPS is highly explicit and systematic, focusing on ‘The Big Six’ components of literacy (Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension). Instruction is systematic and cumulative meaning the organisation of content follows the logical order of the language. The sequence begins with the easiest and most basic concepts and elements and progresses to more difficult concepts and elements. Each step of learning is based on concepts previously learned.
Our school is very fortunate to also have an amazing intervention team who provide literacy intervention to children in grades prep, 1 and 2 who have been identified at risk. The focus for children in prep is Oral Language and then moves to Phonics and Phonemic Awareness. Intervention in grades 1 and 2 provides explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, systematic synthetic phonics for reading and spelling, letter formation and connected text reading, based on the latest scientific research. Intervention is delivered 4-5 times per week for 45 minutes per lesson and an important element of the success of the program (and all learning) is being at school every day.
School Attendance
We cannot say this enough - daily school attendance is important for all children to succeed in education and ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important children develop habits of consistent attendance. There are no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their longer term educational and social outcomes. It is just as important for students at the beginning of their school journey to be at school each day as it is for those who are moving on to secondary school very soon. EVERY day is important to ensure solid foundations for learning are built. Our school day begins at 8:45 am every day. Being on time is also important as this sets the children up for a successful day. We understand there is traffic congestion in the morning, and we appreciate our families showing care and consideration when travelling around our school. We thank you for your assistance and support.
Grounds and Facilities
We again thank you for your patience and support as we get our electrical and playground upgrades.
Drilling and trenching works have continued over the break as the school undergoes a major electrical upgrade.
New boulders have been installed in the playground. We have had rubber matting installed as the base.
Work on our inclusion playground will be commencing again soon and should be completed by the end of term.
There will be new climbing frames added to the playground this term as well as some imaginative play cubbies around the sandpit.
2025 Planning
We have started the early stages of planning for 2025. If you are leaving the area and your child will not be attending Tarneit Rise PS in 2025, or if you plan on transferring your child to one of our neighbouring schools, Wimba, Karwan or the new Riverdale PS (Interim name) you are zoned to, please let the office know so we can plan, using accurate student numbers. You can check your school zone at This will also support our neighbouring schools with their future planning. Please complete the student exit form by clicking the following link
Thank you all and have a terrific week.
Nadia (principal)
Gemma, Adam, Lauren, Stephen, Missy, Sarah, Alana (assistant principals)