This week's Award winners

Class Awards
Toby Huf - for re-drawing your snail and being able to label it.
Edith Leese - for re-drawing your snail and being able to label it.
Humanities - Pippa Quinn for excellent facts and presentation on her mini-report on Animal Olympians
Humanities - Thomas Hurley for excellent information gathering and report presentation for the Animal Olympics
Jaxson Cross for showing persistence with a difficult mathematics tasks.
Eli Keymer-Newley for working hard to organise his research to write a biography.
Wellbeing Awards
Rocco Cross - for displaying a positive attitude towards your learning.
Ava Huf - for caring for a friend in the playground.
Mietta Price - for caring for a friend in the playground.
Principal's Award
Emma Thomas - for showing kindness and integrity in everything she does.
Thank you Awards
Melissa, Nettie, Barbara and Chloe for helping and assisting everyone at school.