
The students have spent the last 2 weeks focusing on positive self-talk and putting it into practice.


All students were given the opportunity to teach another student a ball skill. The first time around, coaches were instructed to give no feedback, remaining quiet and keeping their body language subdued. We reflected on how this felt and what was said to yourself when the coach remained quiet.  The second time around, coaches were instructed to use positive self-talk, and the participants were encouraged to verbalise their own positive self-talk too. The feeling in the room was incredible with a lot of celebrations and excitement when skills were achieved. All students understood the importance of a positive mindset when trying to achieve a goal!


In role plays (Senior students) and puppet plays (Junior students) students were asked to use the 3 C’s method of: -





They were asked to catch the self-talk, check how accurate and helpful it is and then change it if necessary. This generated lots of discussion and it was fantastic to hear the students’ making links between a person’s self-esteem and their self-talk!