Message Stick

Miss Kim Taggart


Conference Performance Group 

Last week, our student representatives went with Mrs Stacie Power to St Nicholas Primary School for the conference performance practice. The kids had a great day filled with learning cultural dances from a local Aboriginal man Kaleb Water. 


There will be another dress rehearsal practice at the end of this term but that will be communicated closer to date.

Cultural Learning Plans

At the end of last term, Mis Taggart send out Cultural Learning Plans to those students who were unable to attend the Cultural Learning Plan afternoon session held at school. Could those please be returned as soon as possible to allow Miss Taggart to work through students learning goals prepare lesson appropriately. 

Wii Gaay Learning Hub

There will be a zoom catch up on Friday the 23rd of August during school time that Wii Gaay students must attend before we leave the following Monday. 











Miss Kim Taggart - Aboriginal Education Assistant