Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Mrs Trish Mitchell

Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator

“Heavenly mother, filled with God's grace, pray for us today and all days, that we may strive to trusting, patient and faithful, as you were, so that we may one day join you and all saints in heaven. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.”

Feast of the Assumption

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated each year on 15 August. This date commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven. Because it signifies the Blessed Virgin’s passing into eternal life, it is an important event in our faith life and a Holy Day of Obligation. 


There will be two masses at St Patrick's on Thursday 15 August for the Feast of the Assumption.  The first is at 9am which will be attended by all students K-6, and the second is at 5:30pm.

Save the Date ~ Reconciliation

Our students will make the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the 3rd September at 5:30pm in our St Patrick's Church. The Parent Information evening will be held this week - 13th August at 5:30pm. If you have not received an email on Compass from Mrs Mitchell with information and notes to return, please contact her on 

Grandparent's Day Liturgy

We invite our wonderful grandparents to celebrate with us on Friday, 23rd August at 10:30. Our Liturgy will be held in our St Joseph's School Hall and look forward to seeing you there! Following this will be morning tea and our Book Week Parade & Book Fair - what a fantastic day!

Thank you!

A message from Caritas Australia/Project Compassion:


"Project Compassion 2024 has wrapped up for another year, and we are filled with gratitude for the incredible commitment and compassion demonstrated by your school throughout Lent. We are thrilled to announce that Project Compassion 2024 has raised an astounding $9.7 million to help vulnerable communities globally.


Your school has played a vital role in fostering hope, standing in solidarity and acting as a beacon of hope, for all future generations to come. This certificate is a small way to acknowledge the significant contributions your school has made towards creating a more just and compassionate world. 


We would like to express our sincere thanks for your active participation in Project Compassion, and we look forward to continuing on this meaningful journey together again next year. Together we are creating a legacy of compassion that resonates far beyond the walls of our schools."

HOPe Outreach

HOPe Outreach are looking for additional volunteers to join their team to assist in HOPe’s ministry to the Rural Fire Service. HOPe, will use their food truck to provide meals to fire fighters, support staff, incident controllers & evacuees in fire emergencies around the Diocese. Training in food handling and the operation of the truck is provided free of charge to volunteers.


Can you assist as a volunteer? If you are interested in joining this amazing team, or to make an enquiry about the work of HOPe, please contact Deacon Paul Manvell.


Please follow the link for more information.

Deacon Paul Manvell - 0418 667329

Parish Mass Times

Please join our Parish to celebrate the Eucharist. Our Parish offers three Mass times every weekend. 

Saturday - 5:30 pm

Sunday - 9:00 am and 5:00 pm  

Living Well, Learning Well