Principal's Page
Jo Flynn
Principal's Page
Jo Flynn
Week 5 and the weather is improving - I am no longer frozen on morning duty. For this I am grateful and I thank our Lord.
- "Lord, thank you for this beautiful day."
- "May peace and love fill my heart."
- "Show me the way to light and truth."
- "Help me to be kind and patient."
- "Guide me with your wisdom."
Welcome to Catherine McAuley
This week a new teacher has joined the McAuley Family. Mrs Annette Short has joined the Year 6 team as Mrs Shannon Williams has to reduce her work hours due to personal reasons. I am sure you will join me in welcoming Mrs Short.
Congratulations Mrs Cain
Mrs Shannon Cain undertook a role review yesterday. This was a very affirming process for Mrs Cain as the work she has done and her accomplishments discussed and celebrated. Well Done Mrs Cain.
Thank You
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Cain for her work in assisting with the combined schools Mass at the Feast of the Assumption at James Sheean. This was a great Success due to the careful and considerate planning.
I would also like to thank and congratulate the Mrs Nicole Worland and Mrs Kate Wright for the wonderful Christmas Art Exhibition. Thank you to the rest of the Year 6 and Year 5 team who supported Mrs Worland.
For those of you who were unable to make it to the Art Exhibition, here are a few photos of some of the finalists.
PACE Father's Day Festivities
The Father's Day Stall was held today and it was a great success. I would like to thank the PACE group, in particular the Year 4 champions for the wonderful stall and the generosity of those who volunteered their time.
A gentle reminder that the Father's Day Breakfast will be on next Wednesday morning. I hope to see lots of dads here enjoying their bacon and egg rolls and coffee.
The final Father's Day event will be a Liturgy lead by Year 1 in the hall starting at 2:15pm. I would love to see as many Fathers as possible at this liturgy.
Other PACE Activities
The Trivia Night will be happening. on Friday 6th September from 7:30-10:00. If you have not booked a table yet, please do so. It is always a FUN night.
On Wednesday, 11th September from 6pm-7pm there will be a PACE meeting for all parents and carers. Mrs Cain will share with you details of the Wellbeing initiatives that are provided at Catherine McAuley.
The E-scooter & E-bike Advice
The E-scooter & E-bike advice for families have now been published. PDF web copies are attached.
Schools and the community can order these in packs of 50 from the warehouse. They are also available to order through SourceIt.
Once they are on the CRS website, we will link them to ST and OtM, and will let you know.
Please use the information in these documents as the single source of truth for families. All communication around e-bikes and e-scooter for families should be consistent and correlate with the information provided by Transport.