School News

“First Communion,” Francis said, “is, above all, a celebration. We celebrate Jesus, who wants to remain always by our side.” - Pope Francis
Farewell Mr D
It is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that I announce Mr. Martin Demosthenous will be leaving St. Mary’s School due to family reasons and the opportunity to work closer to home. Mr. Demosthenous’s last day with us will be Thursday, 8th August. He has been a dedicated and inspiring educator, and we are deeply thankful for his many contributions to our school community. We wish him all the best for the future and are grateful for everything he has given to St. Mary’s.
Year 4/5/6
In reading we have been learning about Alexander the Great. He was alive from 356 to 323 BCE. He was the son of Philip II of Macedon. When Phillip passed away Alexander was given all of Phillips kingdoms and he became King of Macedon. He and Macedon's rival was Persia, the rich country that was located near them. Mr D says that he is distantly related to Alexander the Great.
Written by Francesca, mused by Bianca.
2025 enrolments
We look forward to welcoming all new 2025 Foundation students next year but don’t forget to enrol first. If you’re wishing to enrol your child next year, enrolling early really supports our school wide planning for the best possible start for our young people. The more info we have about 2025, the better planned we can be. If you have new neighbours with kids, make sure you encourage them to join our school!
Welcome Mrs Lara Zylan
We are fortunate to welcome Mrs. Lara Zylan to our team. Mrs. Zylan joins us from Marist College Bendigo and has previously taught at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish School Kyneton. She brings a wealth of experience and a passion for education that we are confident will benefit our students greatly. We look forward to her becoming a valuable member of the St. Mary's community.
To provide an opportunity for families to meet Mrs. Zylan, we invite you to join us in the school library from 3:30 PM on Wednesday, 7th August. Mrs. Zylan will officially begin her role on Monday, 12th August, and we are excited for her to bring her expertise and enthusiasm to our school.
St Mary’s Book Fair
Tuesday 20th to Monday 26th August,2024
As a part of this year’s Book Week activities the school library will once again provide a fabulous range of books for sale at the annual Book Fair
The purchasing of books will commence on Tuesday 20th and continue until Monday 26th August, 2024.
Books may be purchased between 8.30am – 8.45am every morning and again in the afternoon between 3.15pm-3.30pm.
Students will have the opportunity to view the books for sale prior to Tuesday and fill out a wish list of the books that they would like to and may be able to purchase.
Payment of books can be made either online or at the school library via cash or eftpos.
As usual, a percentage of total sales goes towards purchasing new books for the school library for all to enjoy.
We are looking forward to seeing the school community during St Mary’s fabulous Book Week activities and Book Fair.
Positive Behaviour Matrix.
Below is the new St Mary's Behaviour Matrix that will soon become part of our every day life here at school.
We are asking families for any comments or feedback on the content. Please email any ideas to
A hard copy is available at the office.
On Friday 26th of July, F/1 walked to The Children’s Sensorium exhibition at The Castlemaine Art Gallery. An interactive exhibit, there were many opportunities to touch, hear, smell, draw, write on walls, manipulate materials, climb and weave. A fantastic time was had by all. The Castlemaine Art Gallery and Museum is a wonderful institution and we are lucky to be within walking distance.
PE News
This term in PE, students will once again be involved in a range of skill and game based activities to further develop their joy in physical activity, their fundamental motor skills and their ability to participate and work cooperatively as part of a team.
Grade F/1 students will be focusing on skipping as well as relays, circuits and games involving skill development of running, catching, overhand throwing, ball bouncing, vertical jumping, leaping and dodging as well as kickball later in the term to further develop kicking skills and to prepare for our District kickball day next term.
Grade 2-6 students will be focusing on activities centred around the sports of soccer, tennis, cricket, t ball and kickball and in doing so will be refining and further developing their skills of kicking, dodging, forehand striking, two handed side arm striking, overhand throwing, catching, running and leaping.
We look forward to our District Sports Day this term where we will combine with other schools in our area to participate and enjoy playing sport! This term students will be engaged in Tennis and Cricket. Students in grade 3 and 4 will participate in clinics where they have the opportunity to develop their skills in both of these sports whilst grade 5 and 6 students will select one of these sports to compete in against other schools on the day. Looking forward to a fun and active filled day!
During PE sessions will also explore and further develop our understanding of ways to promote our own and others health, safety and wellbeing.
Olympics challenges:
Whilst the Olympics are running students have an opportunity to take on one or more olympic themed challenges! These are optional! They include colouring in pages, a writing piece “If I were an elite athlete…”, design a medal, design a uniform and an athlete profile. These may be worked on in class time when class work is completed and/or at home. There will be awards presented at our next assembly in week 4 for students who complete and submit these to me at school by next Thursday 8th August.
This Thursday and next Thursday we have (& will again) run some recess and lunch time mini Olympics activities…thank you to our senior students who are helping run these! Let’s get into the spirit of the Olympics! Enjoy and have fun!
Clare Grainger
PE Teacher
Science News
This term students will be engaged in the Chemistry field of Science-much to their delight (and mine!). It is such a fun area of science with great opportunities to explore the method of scientific inquiry when undertaking experiments. Students will learn about the states of matter, exploring the features of solids, liquids and gases, learn about ways materials can be changed or combined with other materials, the properties of materials and how these impact their use, explore how a change in state can be caused by adding or removing heat and how some changes can be reversible such as melting and freezing whilst others can be irreversible such as burning and rusting. Stay tuned for photos!
National Science Week-10th to 18th August:
National Science Week is an annual celebration of science and technology. It is also designed to foster an interest in and love of science!
On Monday 12th and Wednesday 14th August Grade 2-6 students will be attending an excursion to the Bendigo Discovery Centre to engage in a workshop, visit the planetarium and explore & interact with the exhibits as well as have an opportunity to try the vertical slide! Students in grades 4-6 will attend on the Monday whilst students in grades 2 and 3 will attend on the Wednesday. Please ensure you have completed the permission form sent home via PAM so that your child can attend!
Grade F/1 students will be engaging in some fun science activities at school on Wednesday as part of the Science Week festivities!
There will be an opportunity for students to undertake some science week 2024 challenges if they would like to, with students efforts being recognised at our assembly in week 6. These will include an endangered animal research task, poster making, colouring in pages and a word search, all related to this year’s theme, “Species Survival - more than just sustainability.”
I will be sending home some simple experiments you can try at home if you like….stay tuned! Looking forward to a fun and exploratory-filled week!
Clare Grainger
Science Teacher
Upcoming Events:
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the upcoming events on the Calendar.
As always, we encourage parents and guardians to stay updated with school news and events by regularly checking Seesaw and following us on social media.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support and involvement in our vibrant school community!
Warm regards,