Year 1, Term 3, 2024
Welcome to Term 3. We hope all students have enjoyed a relaxing break, and we are excited for the upcoming busy and eventful term in Year 1.
Units of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Transport changes over time
Lines of Inquiry:
- The different forms of transport
- The way transport has changed over time
- The way transport affects our way of life (Interconnectedness)
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves
Central Idea:
People express themselves through stories.
Lines of inquiry:
- The way stories are told
- The reason people write stories
- The way we explore culture, beliefs and values through stories
Throughout Term 3, the Year One students will continue to develop the CAFÉ (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary) reading strategies. The teachers will encourage the students to select 'Good Fit' books that help promote both student engagement and enhance reading skills. The students will continue the Daily 5 and will work on building their reading stamina.
Language & Conventions
This term the students will continue to build on their knowledge and awareness of capital letters and appropriate use of punctuation. The students will continue learning to correctly use adjectives, nouns and verbs to enhance their writing. The students will continue to focus on the use of suffixes, synonyms and antonyms.
During our Writing sessions, the students will explore a range of text types and will experiment with writing in a variety of ways, including Narrative and Persuasive. The students will be encouraged to use strategies including the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When and Why), 'Tell Me More!' and 'Stay on Topic'. The students will experiment with using varied sentence starters and onomatopoeia within their writing.
This term the students will continue with the SMART Spelling approach. The students will learn the meaning of words, to help expand vocabulary and to break words into syllables, sounds and letter patterns (graphs, digraphs and trigraphs). The students will complete activities related to their selected words whilst also continuing to apply their knowledge of the weekly focus into everyday reading and writing.
This term, the students will be formally introduced to 'BOB' (Back of Book) words. BOB words are words that have been individually identified as words needing extra practice and are often selected from errors within the student’s writing.
Speaking & Listening
The Year Ones develop their Speaking and Listening skills formally by delivering oral presentations and informally, on a day-to-day basis.
Our weekly, Inquiry focussed, 'Show and Tell' sessions allow for the development of respectful, whole body listening skills, turn taking and for the development of speaking skills.
Our Wellbeing sessions rely heavily on the students’ communication skills, including speaking and listening skills, as well as body language and tone.
This term the students will be introduced to money. They will learn to identify the different Australian coins and notes. They will solve simple money problems involving addition and subtraction using whole dollar amounts. They will set up their own shops and will role-play buying and selling goods. They will also use coins to practise skip counting while adding different amounts of money.
The students will also continue to develop their place value skills by recognising, representing and ordering numbers to 120. They will also continue to revise over partitioning two-digit numbers into tens and ones.
The students will be learning to recognise, continue and create their own repeating patterns using numbers, symbols, shapes, objects and Australian coins. They will also continue to develop their knowledge of skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
The students will compare and classify 2D shapes including circles, ovals, regular and irregular shapes, triangles and quadrilaterals, and examine the similarities and differences between them. Students will also learn to give and follow directions using key language such as ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘straight ahead’, ‘left’ or ‘right’.
This term we will continue to collect data related to our units of inquiry, with the students recording their data using tally marks. They will further develop their skills in organising and representing data using simple charts such as pictographs.
Inclusive Approaches
The Resilience Project
The children are enjoying the Resilience Project program and completing the sessions. We will be continuously discussing and exploring the three main focus areas of the program which are: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM).
Cyber Safety Project
This semester the students will be continuing with the ‘Cyber Safety Project’. The focus for the Cyber Safety Project is to provide a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when using digital technologies for work and play. During this program the students will learn how to participate safety and responsibly in a digitally engaged world.
Over the course of the term the students will be exploring what it means to be a good friend and how to play in a socially and physically appropriate manner. During these lessons the students will discuss and focus on the classroom and playground etiquette and how to create a harmonious and safe environment.
Whole-school Focus on PYP Learner Profile
July- Thinkers
August- Balanced
September- Open-minded
Special Events in Year 1
Whole School Mini Olympics Day - 9 August
Student Led Conferences - 13 & 14 August
A Touch of Purple Day - 19 August
Visit from Pilot, Scott Werry
Last day of Term 3 – Friday 20 September
The Year 1 Team
Ms Jenna Horler, Ms Kristy Smith, Ms Melinda Docker, Ms Melissa Ball and Ms Melissa Werry