Student Awards

Student of the Week


12 August 2024



For beginning to recognise differences between upper and lower case letters and trying his best to form his letters correctly. I'm so proud of you Romeo!



For his insightful ideas and thoughtful questions during our Inquiry activities. Your interest and excitement for our topic is terrific! 



For working with enthusiasm to create imaginative and entertaining poems in writing class.



For her interesting contributions to class discussions and excellent work on sorting and classifying animals during our inquiry session. G reat work Sash! 



For displaying the use of excellent vocabulary and emotive language when writing a variety of poems.  Awesome work, Stanford!



For confidently offering her thoughts to group discussions and questioning ideas in order to further her knowledge.  Great work, Jazmin!


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 3/4L & YEAR 3/4C

For their awesome performance at assembly. You all sang beautifully, with clear and loud voices.  A special thank you to superstar Matilda, who made the performance even more special with her cello!  Excellent work everyone!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 3/4L  ~

For cheering on your team mates and having positive attitudes throughout your mini Olympic Games events.  Well done!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A ~

For their fabulous collaboration when experimenting with electrical circuits. Well done!


Visual Arts Specialist Award PREP/1  ~

For working together respectfully and responsibly on your shadow monsters! Well done Monsters!!


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For taking initiative and being creative risk-takers when working on your music videos. Great work. 



19 August 2024



For improved focus and attention when completing his written work and a huge effort to improve his handwriting. I'm so proud of you Smith!



For his constant and persistent dedication, determination, and enthusiasm towards all areas of his learning. Your attitude is wonderful, Luke, and will take you to wonderful places!



For mastering the 5 times tables in her quest to gain the Level Three Times Tables licence.  Excellent work Evie…now onto the 3 times tables!



For displaying personal excellence by challenging herself to learn her times tables.  Keep up the great work Divya!



For displaying an excellent use of vocabulary and emotive language when writing a variety of poems. Keep up the great work, Cassidy!



For her willingness to accept challenges, ask questions to further her knowledge and offer her thoughts during Mathematics group activities. Keep up the great work, Zoe.


Language Specialist Award  PREP/1

For demonstrating very good listening skills and having a go at learning a new French song. Excellent work everyone!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 2  ~

For completing your portfolio tasks to a very high standard and for working well with others in team games. Well done!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 3/4C ~

For using their inquistive skills when coding the new Sphero robots!


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 3/4C  ~

For being resilient and persistent,  and keen to take risks in art, even when the results aren’t what we expect.


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A  ~

For your continued creativity and imaginative thinking when creating props and designs for your video clip.