
Thursday 29th August | Father's Day Stall |
Friday 30th August | Father's Day Breakfast, Whole school rehearsal |
Tuesday 3rd September | District Athletics Carnival ( selected students) |
Thursday 5th September | Whole School Incursion- Book Week Play |
Friday 6th September | SEDA Footy Inflatables , Footy Dress Up Day, Whole School Rehearsal |
Tuesday 10th September | Year 5/6 excursion |
Thursday 12th September | Whole school rehearsal at St Louis School Production 7pm at St Louis |
Monday 16th September | Parent/ Teacher Interviews 3.45-4.45pm |
Wednesday 18th September | Year 3/4 Hoop time Frankston |
Thursday 19th September | Casual Clothes Day - Chocolate Block donation for fete and wine bottle donation for fete( Parent to drop off wine) Parent/ Teacher Interviews 1pm finish for students |
Friday 20th September | End of Term 3 1pm finish |
Monday 7th October | Start of Term 4 |
Thurs 10- Fri 11th October | Year 3/4 Camp |
Monday 14th October | Reconciliation Sacramental Night |
Tues 15, Thurs 17, Fri 18 Oct | Prep- Yr 4 Swimming Program |
Saturday 19th October | Parent Social Night |
Tues 22, Thurs 24, Fri 25 Oct | Prep- Yr 4 Swimming Program |
Thursday 24th October | Prep 2025 Information Evening |
Friday 25th October | Rugby Gala Day -5/6 students |
Monday 4th November | School Closure Day |
Tuesday 5th November | Melbourne Cup Public Holiday |
Wednesday 6th November | Sacrament of First Reconciliation |
Friday 15th November | School Fete |
Mon 18-Wed 20 November | 5/6 Camp |
Thursday 21st November | 5/6 Open Water Education |
Thursday 28th October | 5/6 Open Water Education |
Friday 29th November | School Closure Day |
Tuesday 3rd December | Year 6 Big Day Out |
Monday 9th December | Year 6 Graduation |
Tuesday 17th December | Students end of term 12.00pm finish |