Wellbeing and Inclusion 

 Mrs Courtney Hoffmann -  Assistant Principal

Dear Karoo PS Community, 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWBPS)

Benefits of SWPBS

School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an internationally recognised approach with an extensive evidence base that is shown to improve behavioural, wellbeing, and academic outcomes for children and young people. When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. 

Students and staff benefit from:

  • increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • increased time focused on instruction
  • improved social-emotional wellbeing
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • create safe, orderly and respectful school-wide environments.

What is SWPBS?

SWPBS is an evidence-based school improvement approach that creates a positive and supportive learning environment for all students. It focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviours while providing targeted assistance to students who may need extra support, leading to a more successful and inclusive learning community. When implemented well, it ensures that all students receive support to maximise behavioural, wellbeing and academic growth.

The approach also improves teacher wellbeing by providing them with the tools to establish positive climates for learning where they can focus on teaching and learning, by increasing engagement and instructional time.

SWPBS is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.

Celebrating Success - Disability Inclusion Funding Scheme (DIFS)

What Disability Inclusion delivers

Disability Inclusion involves an investment of almost $1.6 billion to ensure every student at every ability thrives at school and in life. The Disability Inclusion Funding Scheme (DIFS) has been implemented in Victoria's government schools over a five year period, between 2021 – 2025.   DIFS focuses on increasing support for students with disability through the benefit of funding for resources, support and guidance in government schools.  Currently, Karoo PS is in the 3rd year of our implementation of Disability Inclusion.


Karoo PS has been recognised by the Department of Education for excellence in our work regarding Disability Inclusion and the implementation of the Disability Inclusion Funding Scheme.  As a result, we often have schools come to our school to engage in professional learning in this area. We have also presented at regional network meetings and recently presented at a workshop at the Mitchell and Murrindindi Network Curriculum Day to over 150 educators to share our Disability Inclusion journey and provide key information, so that schools could learn best practices and implement in their settings.


Feedback from educators who have attend our Professional Learning presentations and workshops.

'I was lucky enough to attend your presentation and the Mitchell & Murrindindi Network Curriculum Day. Thank you for your information around Disability Inclusion, it was very powerful.' Year 3/4 Teacher


'Thank you again for your very clear and informative presentation at our Common Curriculum day. I was talking with others in the late afternoon and they found your session very informative. Your PL clearly outlined the effective process that you have in place. This is exactly were we are aiming to end up!' Leading Teacher


'Thank you once again for the time and effort in your presentation and supporting our  Curriculum Day.  The feedback has been extremely positive and all present have learnt key strategies and practices to implement DI effectively.'  Senior Education Improvement Leader


At Karoo PS, we are very proud of our implementation of Wellbeing practices across our school and in the area of Disability Inclusion and it is exciting to share that we are recognised as leaders in the education community in this area.  I look forward to continuing to share our wellbeing initiatives and practices in future newsletters, so that our whole community can learn together and celebrate the supports that can be accessed at Karoo PS.


I hope that you all have a fantastic fortnight, and I look forward to seeing you all around our wonderful school!


Kind Regards, 

Courtney Hoffmann