Principal Update

Thursday 29th August
Production in 2 weeks!
We are looking forward to having students showcase their abilities as they have been working hard rehearsing dances and lines. The nerves will soon kick in as we start having some whole school rehearsals. Please see Anne’s message in this newsletter.
Last week Rock Paper Scissors performed in the 2024 Yarra Ranges Parents Battle of the Bands and were magnificent. It was great seeing so many of our community there to support and enjoy the night or in some cases early morning! Thanks again to Laura Lane, Duncan Schmoll, Geoff Lyon, Melissa Schroeder, Mark Calleja and Donna Markham. This was a big commitment and we are very proud of how you represented our school. Such incredible talent. We will look forward to another performance later in the year!
On the back of our parents’ band we have had a game happening at school of rock, paper, scissors tag during breaks which has been nice to see and only needs the occasional reminder of rules reinforcement! A game for Foundation to Year 6 students to enjoy together.
We are having lots of students being creative in the yard. Chrystal and Ruby wanted to share their fairy garden.
Book Week – thank you
It was wonderful seeing the efforts of the students and staff to celebrate Book Week last Friday. Thanks to the families for your collective efforts organising costumes! It is appreciated and our students love it.
Father’s Day Stall
This is going to be happening tomorrow. We are also drawing the massive Cadbury 10kg block of chocolate before home time so make sure you have you tickets entered. See Compass for further details. Tickets on Qkr!
Working Bee
This is planned for next Friday (6 September) from 3:30 – 5:00pm. This will be a chance to give the school a nice tidy up after winter. We will be moving sand so encourage families to bring shovels and wheelbarrows as well as a general tidy up using blowers, hedge trimmers or anything else you think
Our Facilities subcommittee are also planning on installing our new goal posts on the oval. These will be a great addition for our students and will be able to play either AFL, soccer or rugby.
Parent Opinion Survey
A reminder to check your Compass news feed for access to the DET Parent Opinion survey. This closes by the end of term now as the deadline has been extended.
School Saving Bonus
As announced in the 2024/25 Victorian Budget, the School Saving Bonus provides a one-off $400 support for students in Victoria in Term 4, 2024, for use on 2025 school costs. Please access Compass news feeds for information regarding this. It is vital that all contact information is up to date
We don’t have assembly tomorrow. We will be presenting awards from the previous fortnight next week along with a choir performance.
Take care,
Dale McInerney