Attendance Report 


Congratulations to 5/6D and Prep C for being the classes to win the Weekly Attendance award for the class with the highest attendance in the school for Term 3 Week 2 and Week 3 respectively. 


Our overall school attendance was 55% in Week 2 and unfortunately dropped to 45% in Week 3. Good hygiene and maintaining healthy lifestyles in order to best prepare our immune systems, is pivotal at times of sickness.


Golden Ticket monitors have been introduced in classrooms to empower students to take a collective approach to attendance. They are responsible for tracking the class’ Golden Tickets, by taking them down or putting them up each day and maintaining a class display.


A communication staged response process for requesting reasons for absence has been introduced. 

Level One: ‘1 Unexplained Absence’ – Unexplained Absence Note sent home

Level Two: ‘3-5 Unexplained Absences’ – Level 2 letter sent home with student

Level Three: ‘5 or More Unexplained Absences’ – Level 3 letter sent home with student

Level Four: ‘5 or More Unexplained Absences (Unresolved)’ – Level 4 letter sent home with via registered mail


If you receive a letter from school requesting a reason for absence for your child, please make sure you complete it and return it to school.


Just a reminder to all parents/carers, please ensure that you are checking Dojo regularly and responding to communication from staff.







Miss Dearing

(Attendance Officer)