Assistant Principal Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Student Behaviour and Wellbeing Management
This term at Melton West Primary School we have tweaked and implemented a new Student Behaviour and Wellbeing response process. At Melton West Primary School, we strive to create a safe, positive, calm and supportive environment for all members of our community, whilst maintaining high expectations of ourselves and others. Together as a school, we have identified and put together what we consider our Minor and Major behaviours, as well as the response process for each. Classroom teachers refer to this when responding to students and have taken the time to teach students the new procedures. A student friendly version of this was created and is up in every classroom for all members of the class to use.
Additionally, we have created a space for students to go to when they need support to regulate where this may not be possible in their classroom. This space is called the Zen Zone. The Zen Zone will often have 4 members of staff to help triage the students and support them to return to their learning space.
We have already seen great success using these new processes and strive to continue to support the students with their learning and wellbeing.
Minor/Major Behaviours
Minor/Major Response Process
Zen Zone Process
Student friendly Version
Kind Regards
Dani Bird
Acting Assistant Principal