Community notices

Dear Uraidla Primary School,
We would like to invite SRC representatives, parents and friends to be part of the Vision and Design Working Group to start the conversation regarding the upgrade of the Uraidla Park Play Space. The Working Group will help develop and shape a concept plan for the play space. This plan will then be presented to the broader community for comment. This is a great opportunity for direct involvement in the design of the new space! What kind of commitment would this be for your students, parents and friends? Ideally, we envisage this working group to meet twice and will work with a designer to help sketch ideas and concepts to inform the draft concept plan.
Wider community consultation will occur on this plan seeking feedback. Workshop
1. DATE: 3 September 2024, 5:30 at the Uraidla Hotel (Hills Hoist Room).AIM: To work with a designer to discuss the importance of the site, its identity, aspirationsand be involved in developing sketches.Workshop
2. DATE: Late September/Early October (time and place TBC).AIM: To provide feedback on a designer’s visioning package and help to narrow down the preferred concept plan.
As you can see by the date of the first workshop there is some urgency here, to Register for the workshop please use the following link or QR code.
If you want to chat about this further, please reach out to me, Stacey Dutton, on
8408 0417 or email I’d love to hear from you!
History book for sale
Have you seen the Uraidla book written by local historian Geoffrey Bishop on behalf of the East Torrens Historical Society? It tells the story of the Uraidla township, from the beginning to current day and is a fascinating read!
Books are $35 and there are copies for sale at the Front Office.