Teaching & Learning Report
Assistant Principal's Report
We are rapidly approaching the conclusion of Term 3, and it's incredible to see the culmination of another busy and highly productive term. Throughout this term, our students have had numerous opportunities to enrich their learning experiences, and families have had the chance to engage with teachers and students in celebrating and showcasing their progress.
Here's a glimpse of the exciting events and activities that have taken place:
Subject Expo: was an opportunity for students in years 7-11 to explore various subjects and interests with their parents and carers.
School Production Shuddersome the Tales of Poe: A fantastic musical performance showcasing our talented students and oh my did they do an outstanding job.
Author AJ Betts Workshops and Book Week: Enriching workshops with our year 7 students to provide them with a framework for writing. Our Enrichment and VHAP students also were able to explore developing their writing skills with the renowned author celebrating literature and the wonderful world of reading.
Science Week Science Fair: Students showcased their scientific discoveries and projects to the school community
Term 3 Reports
Our students have worked diligently this term, completing assessment tasks as part of their learning journey. Teachers have carefully assessed each child's progress. Term 3 Reports were distributed in hard copy to students on Friday, September 13th, during the Report Reflection in extended tutor time.
Report Reflection offers a valuable opportunity for students to self-reflect on their progress, effort, attitude, and behaviors that have either supported or posed challenges to their learning. This self-reflection will aid them in setting meaningful goals for ongoing improvement. Parents and caregivers, we encourage you to engage in discussions with your child about their goals and how you can support them in achieving these aspirations.
Parent-Student-Teacher Conference.
On Tuesday, September 17th, Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences were held and families had the opportunity to discuss their child learning and progress.
Learning Success with the Amy Berry Engagement Continuum
As an AVID school, we are committed to empowering students to effectively utilize the Cornell note-taking system. Parents and caregivers, we request your support in encouraging your child to complete the Cornell note-taking steps using the 10-24-7 method. This method involves reviewing and revising daily notes each night, formulating questions the following night, and creating summaries at the week's end. This proven approach not only boosts student confidence but also enhances exam results. Organisational skills are equally crucial for success, so please ensure your child maintains a well-organized binder for all their classes.
Homework Club
We want to extend our appreciation to the dedicated staff who have made Homework Club a resounding success this term. As a reminder, Wyndham Central College offers Homework Club every Wednesday in the Monash Building from 3:10 pm to 4:00 pm. This invaluable resource, facilitated by experienced teachers, supports students who voluntarily attend. Our teachers provide assistance to students who may be facing challenges with classwork, assignments, or homework. It's a space where students can work with teacher support if needed. We encourage you to motivate your child/children to take advantage of Homework Club.
Learning Behaviors to Increase Student Engagement
Students will require a complex combination of dispositions, skills, values, and attitudes to be successful future-oriented lifelong learners. Personal qualities like resilience and the ability to communicate and collaborate with others become important elements of our learners' identities.
At Wyndham Central College, we are committed to ensuring all students have the tools they need to succeed. This year, we have explicitly taught the Amy Berry Engagement Continuum to help students understand the behaviours that drive positive learning outcomes. The model introduces students to key language and strategies that enable them to identify their own levels of engagement and take steps to improve their focus and participation. By embedding this framework into our daily practices, we aim to empower students to take greater ownership of their learning, boosting both their engagement and overall academic performance.
Parents can play an important role in reinforcing this model at home. By using the same language of engagement and discussing the behaviours of effective learning with your child, you can help them set meaningful goals and reflect on their progress. Encourage your child to identify areas where they can improve their focus and effort in school and celebrate when they demonstrate positive learning behaviours. Working together, we can help every student increase their engagement and achieve greater academic success.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement in our learning community. Together, we are helping students thrive and achieve their fullest potential.
Connie Faranda - Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning