Year 10, 11 & 12
Assistant Principal's Report
Term three has been a time of celebration with our students participating in a wide range of extra curricula activities. We have celebrated Multicultural week, Wear It Purple day, the school play - Tales of Poe and there have been VCE music concerts. Students have demonstrated a wealth of expertise and talent in many areas, well done to all involved.
With the Year 10, 11 and 12 internal and VCAA examination’s just around the corner, it is important that student’s study and revise their class work to assist in achieving their best results.
Year 12 VCE student’s will sit their end of year internal examinations from Monday 7th October -Friday 11th October. This will assist in preparing our students for the external VCAA examinations which will commence on 29th October - 19th November, no formal classes will operate for Year 12 student’s during this time. Please refer to the school letter and Compass communication for further details. Good luck to all students with your upcoming exams.
It’s not okay for students to be away or late to school and it’s important that students are only absent if they are genuinely ill. Below are some easy-to-follow tips to improve attendance at school.
✔ Commit to sending your child to school every day.
✔ Make sure children arrive at school and class on time (you can check this on COMPASS).
✔ Inform the school when they are away, sending medical certificates and other evidence of genuine absence.
✔ Students must catch up on missed class work.
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
We are delighted to invite you to be a part of the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner which will be held at Grand Star Receptions & Convention Centre on Friday 25th October, from 6:30pm- 11:30pm and tickets are on sale. The Valedictory dinner is an opportunity to come together with family, friends and school staff to celebrate the achievements of Year 12 students as the Class of 2024.
Please remind your child about the Mobile phone policy in place in all schools.
Please continue to support the school by emphasizing the importance of the Department of Education and the Wyndham Central College mobile phone policy.
In accordance with the department’s Mobile Phone Policy, issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Wyndham Central College during school hours (8.50am-3pm), including break one and two unless an exemption has been granted by the Principal.
School uniform
The wearing of the correct school uniform is important to the Wyndham Central College community, and I ask for your support in ensuring that your child is in the correct uniform before leaving home of a morning. The Student Services team is more than happy to support families with uniform items if needed, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Parent/teacher interviews
Parent/teacher interviews were held on Tuesday 17th September, from 11am – 7pm.
These interviews are an important part of gaining feedback on how your child is progressing with their school work before the end of the term.
At Wyndham Central College, we focus on building a community of high expectations for all students and we have an extensive range of opportunities for everyone. Please continue to work with us to develop positive relationships that will benefit everyone, utilising respectful, two-way communication.
Please contact your son/daughters Tutor Teacher if we can be of any assistance.
Bryan Woollard - Assistant Principal Years 10 - 12
Year Level Leader's Report - Year 10
Our Class of 2026 have been busily finishing our last units for their Year 10 studies. Thank you to families for supporting students with preparing for their assessment. In the lead up to exams next term we encourage families to help by providing students a space and time to study at home and helping them review their notes using our Cornell note taking process.
Our SRC representatives have been running our assemblies this term, culminating in a class vs. class challenge. Students went head to head in team work challenges on stage, showing how far they have come as a group this year.
The Year 10 tutor team has also finished delivering our VCE skills unit, preparing students for the rigour of Year 11 and 12. Students explored the requirements of VCE, sharing tips for success and where to go for support.
As always if families need support or assistance please contact your child’s tutor teacher, or feel free to reach out to me.
John Lister – Year 10 Year Level Leader
Year Level Leader's Report - Year 11
Term 3 Report Review:
Term 3 reports were distributed to students last week (Week 9). During the extended tutor time, students had the opportunity to reflect on their progress and set new goals for the upcoming term. Families and carers are encouraged to review the Term 3 reports, which are also accessible via Compass. These reports provide detailed information on students' subject performance, assessment outcomes, attendance, overall achievements, and homework completion.
To progress to Year 12, students must pass a minimum of 9 out of 12 units (Year 11—Units 1 & 2), including units 1 & 2 English. Students are required to complete any outstanding coursework or redemption work assigned by their teachers over the holidays to ensure they are up to date when returning for Term 4. Families and carers are encouraged to contact the relevant teachers to discuss any outstanding work and explore ways to support their child in achieving a satisfactory 'S' grade in the necessary subjects.
Upcoming Important Dates:
Term 4
Week 1: October 7, 2024 (Monday) – First Day of Term 4
Week 4: November 4, 2024 (Monday) – Student Free Day
Week 5: November 5, 2024 (Tuesday) – Melbourne Cup Day
Week 5: November 6, 2024 (Wednesday) – Year 11 Exams Begin
Week 6: November 13, 2024 (Wednesday) – Year 11 Exams Conclude
Week 6: November 14-15, 2024 (Thursday-Friday) – Senior Year Goal Setting Interviews
Week 7: November 18, 2024 (Monday) – Step Up to Year 12 Program Starts
Week 8: November 29, 2024 (Friday) – Step Up to Year 12 Program Concludes
Parent Teacher’s Interviews
The Parent-Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Tuesday, 17th September from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Parents and carers are encouraged to book a suitable time with their child's tutor and classroom teachers to discuss academic progress, wellbeing, or any concerns. These discussions are aimed at providing additional support as students move into Term 4.
Year 11 Tutoring and Support
As previously communicated, the school has employed four former Year 12 students as tutors to provide additional support for Year 11 students who may be at risk of not progressing to Year 12. These tutors are available to assist students both during class and after school. We encourage families to emphasize the importance of attending after-school tutoring sessions, particularly if there are concerns regarding their child's academic progress.
The after-school tutoring schedule is as follows:
Tapo Sadineedi: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday Chemistry, Physics, General Maths
Sanya Gupta: Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday English, Legal Studies
Carl Morales: Tuesday & Wednesday Biology, General Maths, Japanese
Braydon Magee: Monday, Thursday, and Friday Music, Biology, English, Media, Arts
Additionally, students can seek further support during Homework Club, held on Wednesdays from 3:10 PM to 4:00 PM.
Extra-Curruicular Activities
On August 30th, the Year 11 cohort and school community participated in the annual Wear It Purple Day, an initiative that fosters supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ young people. The aim of Wear It Purple is to raise awareness, provide opportunities, and create spaces where individuals feel proud of who they are, while collaborating with organizations to advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights. Through the three key pillars of connection, inclusion, and advocacy, the school community, along with the Year 11 students, showed their support by engaging in a tutor lesson that focused on raising awareness and understanding the significance of this day. This initiative helps prevent harassment, bullying, and exclusion of LGBTQIA+ individuals.
In addition to this event, students also took part in various extracurricular activities such as the Alumni Presentations, the Elevate Presentation on Memory Mnemonics, Year 11 Celebration Day, and the Success Integration Presentation.
Division Athletics Results
Congratulations to Petelo Taukatelata for securing first place in both the 100m sprint (12.37 seconds) and the 200m sprint (28.85 seconds). Petelo’s outstanding performance has earned him the opportunity to progress and compete in the WMR Region event at Moonee Valley Athletics Centre on October 9, 2024.
A special mention also goes to Tiah Olcorn and Hayden Spall, who participated in the Division Athletics. Tiah achieved 2nd place in the 800m race, while Hayden secured 3rd place in the high jump.
On behalf of the Year 11 team, thank you for your continued support in ensuring the success of our students. Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing school holiday.
Harpreet Singh – Year 11 Year Level Leader
Year Level Leader's Report - Year 12
The end of our Year 12’s secondary school journey is fast approaching, and all students have been working hard to get across the last of their course content before breaking for exams.
Wyndham Central College Exams
The school will be running internal exams for Year 12’s ahead of the external VCAA exams at the end of the year. These will be facilitated by outside supervisors in full exam conditions to familiarise our students with the exam environment they can expect at the end of year. These will be running from the 7th of October to the 11th of October in our college gymnasium. The final timetable has been distributed to students. Please ensure you are aware that some exams finish later than 3pm, so arrangements with employers and travel should be made in advance as the exams will need to take priority.
VTAC Preferences
Our Transition and Pathways Leader Pina Siragusano has been working closely with our Year 12's to prepare them for their applications to tertiary pathways such as TAFE and University. All Year 12's need to register with VTAC upon opening on the 31st of July. Students must register by the 30th of September with a registration fee of $60.00. Students who submit later than closing date will have to pay additional late fees. Ms Siragusano will support all students with this process and if you have queries on this please contact her through the college contact.
SEAS Application
Students had Deakin ambassadors come and present to them around being eligible to apply for SEAS. Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) is an application processes that recognises students that have had their studies impacted for various reasons. As your child attends Wyndham Central College, they are eligible to apply given the location of our school. More information can be obtained via the website The application is due in on the 14th of September, this allows someone from VTAC to check over the application and provide any feedback, in which the final cut off date is 6th of October.
End of Year Celebrations
In week 3 of next term, we will be celebrating the end of our Year 12s time at Wyndham Central College. On the 22nd of October students will be travelling to Funfields for a day of activities, Year 12 assembly to be held on their last day of school on the 24th of October and on the 25th of October our Valedictory Dinner will be held to recognise their achievements at the College, to be held at Grandstar Receptions in Altona. Tickets for the Valedictory Dinner are still available, so we ask that families make sure you book tickets soon.
As the students conclude Term 3 and head into their holidays, please make sure you support your child in ensuring they get their work completed to obtain an S for every subject. I hope that your child has a restful break and is ready for their final couple of weeks left of their educational journey at Wyndham Central College.
Ashlin Brown – Year 12 Year Level Leader