Bike Incursion 

Week 9 (9th-12th September)

Hola parents/caregivers,


This is a reminder about the upcoming Bike Incursion happening in Week 9 of this term (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of September). Each class will participate in a 1-hour AusBike session during PE lessons where students will learn essential skills such as emergency braking, cornering, weight transfer, and overall bike safety.


Students are requested to bring their own bikes for the session. If your child doesn’t have a bike, we encourage you to borrow one from a family member or neighbour. Please ensure that the bikes are in good condition for riding. Additionally, students must bring their own helmets, which should be in good condition as well.


In the morning, bikes will be parked at the old staff car park located behind the STEAM and Inquiry rooms.




- Monday 9th September: 3/4CD and 1/2ABCF

- Tuesday 10th September: 1/2DE and 3/4ABEF

- Wednesday 11th September: Foundation C and B, and Years 5s

- Thursday 12th September: Foundation A and D, and Year 6s


Yours faithfully, 


Raul Berral - Health and PE Teacher

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