Parents & Friends

Events & Sign Up

Parents & Friends Meeting

Please join Erin (P&F President) and other wonderful parents/carers for a meeting to discuss upcoming events and social activities for our school community.  Thursday 5th September from 9-10am in the staff room. 





If you are interested in joining the PA, or wish to help in future events,  please sign up through the WhatsApp link  or come along to our next meeting Thursday 1st August at 9am in the staffroom. 


Event Calendar

Below is a calendar of events scheduled for each term. As we get close to each event, we will put out a call for volunteers. Look out for the SignUp Zone link below and in Compass news feeds. We are always grateful for your help and support.


Term 3 EventsDate
Father's Day StallThursday 29th August
Fathers Day BreakfastFriday 30th August
Parents Association MeetingThursday 5th September
Hot Dog Meal DealThursday 19th September
Term 4 EventsDate              
Trivia NightSaturday 12th October
Family Photo ShootSaturday 16th November

SignUp Zone link: 


Parents Association WhatsApp Group