Catholic Identity

Creator God, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as we walk together on your path of love, hope and faith.
Thank you for the gifts of our school,
our environment, our families and friends.
May our school be a place of learning, care, welcome and celebration.
Mary our Mother, pray for us.
St Mary of the Cross, pray for us.
Sunday gospel reading was from Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, and 21-23 describe a moment when Jesus addresses the Pharisees and scribes who criticize His disciples for not following traditional ceremonial handwashing practices. Jesus responds by emphasizing that external rituals are not as important as the internal state of a person's heart. Jesus teaches that it's not what goes into a person from the outside, such as food, that defiles them, but rather what comes from within, like evil thoughts and intentions. Jesus highlights that true purity is a matter of the heart, not merely outward actions.
What is important to Jesus is what is in our hearts.
Lets Us Pray
Dear Lord,
Thank You for teaching us that true holiness comes from within. Help us to focus on keeping our hearts pure, not just following outward traditions. Remove anything in us that is not pleasing to You—pride, envy, and selfishness.
Guide us to live in a way that truly honors You, both in our actions and in our hearts. Give us the strength and grace to resist temptations and fill us with Your love and goodness.
In Jesus' name,