The F/1/2 class has had a busy few weeks.
The students have had a great start to the swimming program. All the students have been enthusiastic about the program and actively involved in their lessons. We look forward to seeing how much growth they achieve over the week.
In Maths, the students have been focusing on addition and subtraction. They have been focusing on the connection between addition and subtraction and using their knowledge of a true addition fact to solve a related subtraction problem. The students have also been developing their ability to count on and backwards to solve problems. Today the students showed their understanding of addition through a challenging task. They were each given two dice of various sides and were challenged to find and solve as many addition problems as they could.
In Religion, we have started learning about our new unit ‘I can talk to God’. The students have been discussing the items on our prayer table and why they are important. We have also been focusing on the fact that we can talk to God at any time and at any place.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Monday 2nd September - Friday 6th September: Aquamoves Swimming Program.
Friday 6th September: Virtual incursion.
Wednesday 11th September - Thursday 12th September: Dental van for the students whose parents signed up.
Monday 16th September: Bluearth with Amalie.
Tuesday 17th September: Respectful Relationships.
In Maths, we will be moving into our partitioning and fractions unit next week. In this unit, students will focus on breaking numbers into parts. Students will be learning about halves, quarters and eights and focusing on how they need to be equal parts.