School News

Miss Marks' Message

Hello everyone, 

I hope all of our families were able to keep warm and safe during the recent storm and severe winds. At school on Monday, we were very happy to have power restored early in the afternoon. Please remember to enter an absence in Sentral or contact the office if your child was absent from school on Monday.


Happy Father's Day to all of the TPS dads, grand dads and special people! I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with your family on the weekend. A big thank you to our Parent's Club and parent volunteers for their help last week with the Father's Day Stall. Preparing for the stall is also a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and I appreciate the support you provide to our students so they have the opportunity to purchase a gift. 


Last week, we welcomed a visit from the Teesdale Kinder. Our Sports Leaders developed an obstacle course for the Kinder children to enjoy! The Sport Leaders supported the children through each obstacle and cheered them on during the relay race. This was our first opportunity to have the Kinder children visit us in preparation for school next year and our Sport Leaders did a wonderful job to begin building relationships. 


Over the course of the past three weeks, we launched our new behaviour flowchart. The flowchart is a component of our School-Wide Positive Behaviour System, or SWPBS. We have already seen an increase in students taking responsibility for their behavioural choices, and using opportunities to reflect and reset for more productive choices in classrooms and in the yard. Our Behaviour Flowchart supports us to ensure we are responding in a systematic way to student behaviour to prioritise learning in a safe and predictable learning environment. 


A kind reminder regarding car parking at the school. Please note that car parking on our neighbours’ side of Sutherland Street is not permitted. We understand that car parking is challenging, particularly during pick up time each afternoon however we do need to prioritise everyone’s safety. Please share this message with your family members or friends who may be visiting the school during pick up and drop off times. During peak times, we know that some families delay their arrival to collect children between dismissal and 3:30pm to avoid the high traffic directly after the bell at 3:15pm. The police have visited the school during these peak times, and we are providing feedback to the Golden Plains Shire about the circumstances of Sutherland Street in particular. 


During Book Week we celebrated all things books! It was wonderful to see so many of our students and our staff embracing the opportunity to dress up and be part of our celebrations. Many thanks to our TPS families for their work and effort behind the scenes in supporting our celebration with costume making and prop creation - we appreciate your creativity!


In the final week of term, our Parents' Club are hosting a special lunch. Order forms were sent home with students last week and spare copies are available at the office. Orders are due on Monday September 9. Our School Leaders are also organising a fundraiser for Friday September 20. The School Leaders are inviting students to dress up to celebrate Footy Day for a gold coin donation to go towards Motor Neuron Disease research. We encourage everyone to stay tuned for the special event at our end of term assembly on the same day too!


Thanks everyone, 


Spare Clothing

The school is desperately short of spare clothing such as tracksuit pants to provide students when required. We kindly ask if your child has borrowed clothing from our supply that it be washed and returned to the office. Additionally, if you have some old clothing in reasonable condition and no longer needed, we will happily receive any donations!


It's also a good idea to pack spare clothing in your child's bag just in case!

Healthy Eating at TPS


  OSH News

For the latest news from Community OSH, please see the attached newsletter.