
Communicating with the Foundation Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Amy Ryde
Throughout Term Three, we have been continuing to develop our number sense. The students have learned more about place value and the value of each digit in a number. They partitioned double digit numbers into groups of tens and ones through a variety of engaging place value games and activities.
In Measurement and Geometry, the Foundation students investigated the concept of length. They compared and measured objects using informal units of measurement such as unifix. The Foundation students have learnt that to measure accurately requires them to make sure they measure from the very bottom of what they are measuring to the other end.
The Foundation students also explored the concept of weight and what scales are used for. They had the opportunity to use balance scales and experiment with a variety of object to investigate what was heavier and lighter.
On Wednesday 4th September, the Foundation students went on their very first excursion to Rippon Lea Estate. The students had an amazing time exploring the house and gardens and the excursion provided the opportunity for students to compare the life of 19th Century children and families to their own experiences. The day was a great success and we would like to thank all the parent volunteers who helped us on the day!
They students participated in a variety of fun and engaging activities during the excursion. They had the opportunity to go inside the historical and grand Rippon Lea Mansion which gave them a fascinating insight into what life was like in the 19th century.
They had the opportunity to explore the beautiful grounds by playing the game Creature Catcher.
The students gained an insight into what life would have been like as a servant and even hand washed clothes using a washboard and mangle!
The students played a variety of olden day games including sack races, quoits, croquet and 'What’s the Time Mr Wolf' and 'Hot Potato'.
Personal Passions Day
On Tuesday the 17th of September we celebrated Personal Passions Day. The students participated in a parade in the Foundation gallery, sharing their personal passions with each other. It was great to see all of the students dressed up in their football, soccer, rugby, dancing, karate, painting and other passions outfits.
Thank you for another fantastic Term! We hope you all have a great break and we will see you all in Term 4!
As Specialists classes have begun we thought it would be useful for you to know which days these occur. When students are participating in Health and Physical Education (HPE) and Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) it would be best if they were wearing sneakers or shoes that they can move around in. Please note that this timetable can change! We will keep you updated if this occurs.
FA | FB | FC |
Monday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) | Monday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) | Monday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) |
Tuesday: Visual Arts (VA) and Health and Physical Education (HPE) | Tuesday: Auslan and Physical Education | Tuesday: Performing Arts and Physical Education (HPE) |
Thursday: Auslan and Performing Arts | Thursday: Performing Arts and Visual Arts (VA) | Thursday: Visual Arts (VA) and Auslan |
We are looking forward to an exciting first term of learning! If you have any questions please contact us via email or in person.