Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
2024 House Captains
House Captain Wrap
The last few weeks have been quite busy and we have more exciting events to look forward to. Congratulations to all the Level 3-6 students who participated in the District Athletics Carnival. Good luck to all of the participants who progressed to the Division Stage.
We hope everyone has a great break and enjoys their holidays.
Curriculum Update
Over the past few weeks, the Foundation students focused have been on refining and building their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS).
The Level 1 students completed a lesson which focused on cooperating with one another whiling using their FMS skills. To achieve this (see below pictures) we used a giant parachute. The students had to coordinate movements to bounce rubber chickens off and run underneath and swap spots.
The students also focused on two-handed striking. They concentrated on striking a ball from a stationary position towards a set target.
The children completed their semester portfolio task where they had the opportunity to develop an understanding of how the body can feel/express emotions. The students had to draw a picture to reflect and range of different emotions.
Year One/Two:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 1 and 2 students focused have been on refining and building their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS).
The Level 1 students completed a lesson which focused on cooperating with one another whiling using their FMS skills. To achieve this (see below pictures) we used a giant parachute. The students had to coordinate movements to bounce rubber chickens off and run underneath and swap spots.
Both Level 1 and 2 students also focused on two-handed striking. The level 1 students concentrated on striking a ball from a stationary position, where as the Level 2 students focused on striking a moving object.
Both cohorts also completed their semester portfolio task.
The Level 1 students had the opportunity to pack themselves a healthy lunch from select foods.
The Level 2 students had the opportunity to identify elements they like/dislike about themselves with the end goal to develop a positive mindset based on the things they like about themselves.
Year Three/Four:
Over the last few weeks, the Level 34 students have continued on with their Volleyball unit. Their second lesson predominately focused on match play to provide them with the opportunity to apply the fundamental skills. This was also a great opportunity for them to build on their teamwork skills and they teamed up with a variety of students.
After completing our volleyball unit, we progressed to a unit involving kicking. The main sport we focused on was soccer. The students developed an understanding and practised the core skills involved with the game before applying these to a modified match.
The 34 students also completed their portfolio task which provided them with the opportunity to identify what their key strengths were.
Year Five/Six:
Over the last few weeks, the Level 56 students have continued on with their Volleyball unit. Their second lesson predominately focused on match play to provide them with the opportunity to apply the fundamental skills. This was also a great opportunity for them to build on their teamwork skills and they teamed up with a variety of students.
After completing our volleyball unit, we progressed to a unit involving kicking. The main sport we focused on was soccer. The students developed an understanding and practised the core skills involved with the game before applying these to a modified match.
The Level 56 students completed their health Portfolio task which concentrated on Mental Health. The students were provided with the opportunity to create a poster to advertise/create awareness about their chosen Mental Health Organisation.
56 District Hooptime
OnMonday 26th August, select Level 56 Students represented our school at the District Hooptime Carnival. We had five teams entered on the day with each team achieving Success. Four of our competitive division teams featured in the finals with both our All-Star Boys teams and our Mixed Future Stars team winning their respective grand finals. Overall, the day was a success with lots of enjoyment and fun had by all.
A massive shout out to the families to came to support on the day or perform an official role.
Good luck to both teams at the Region Carnival in Term Four.
District Athletics
On Wednesday 4th September, forty-six of our Level 3-6 students represented our school at the District Athletics Carnival in Ringwood. It was very pleasing to watch all of our students give of their best whilst also cheering on their teammates. We had some fantastic results come from this event with nearly half of our competitors progressing do the Division stage on Wednesday 18th September. We wish all these students the best of luck.
Upcoming Events
Level 56 District Summer Sport - Wednesday 9th October
Level 56 Future Stars Region Hooptime - Wednesday 16th October
Level 34 Future Stars Region Hooptime - Wednesday 30th October
Level 56 All Star Boys Region Hooptime - Thursday 31st October