Principal's Message

Please take the time to read each page of our newsletter, as we provide you with information updates across our school. 


Thank you to our parent/carer volunteers... we see you, and we appreciate you!!!


One of the many wonderful things about being part of our school, is the amazingly generous level of support we receive from our parent/carer community. 


As a school we understand the demands of modern day life can be hectic, trying to balance parenting, with working, with running a household, and then trying to find time to help with local organisations or pursue personal interests. Therefore, we want to open this newsletter by acknowledging the time and effort you put into supporting our school. 


Whether it be volunteering time to assist with school events, helping to feed our students at Breakfast Club, coaching sporting teams, attending camps, coordinating dance routines, arranging Parent Association social evenings, or just taking the time to acknowledge the efforts of our teachers.... you are noticed, you are an integral part of our community, and we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who volunteers their time to help our students. 


For those parents/carers who would like to become involved in future schooling events, we have a Parents Association Meeting at the following time: 

  • Friday 11th October 9:00am in the staffroom. 

For more information, please visit the Parents Association Page of this newsletter. 


3MDR 97.1FM- Fresh Flamingos

AS part of our Year Three-Six Community Electives, we regualry see students taking part in a sound engineering/DJing course with our community partner 3MDR 97.1FM. 


On Wednesday 18th September, the students from the previous electives round had their show go to air across radios all over our region. This rounds' students titled themselves and their radio show 'The Fresh Flamingos'. 


To listen to the recording of the show, please visit the podcasts below: 


A huge thank you to 3MDR staff, Nat, Alex, and Ren who supported ours students with sound mixing, editing, and collation of creative ideas for the airwaves.  

Launch of new school website


As a school, we have recently launched a new and updated website. 


The purpose of the website is to provide:

  • prospective and current families with information regarding our curriculum
  • our community with access to policies
  • an insight into the wellbeing supports available
  • an insight into the extra-curricular opportunities for students
  • an overview to families of what is important to our school community. 

To visit the website, simply search for 'Upwey South Primary School' through any internet enabled device, or directly visit: 

Our new website also has a live interactive calendar which is linked to Compass... therefore families can use this calendar to help plan for upcoming events in Term Four. 



Extra-curricular highlights of the past month


One of the great things about being a student at Upwey South Primary School is access to a wide vairety of extra-curricular opportunities. This month alone, the following has been on offer: 

  • RoboCup State Titles at Genazzano College Saturday 14th September
  • Victorian State Schools Spectacular at John Caine Arena Saturday 14th September
  • Year Three/Four Camp Wednesday 18th- Friday 20th September
  • Personal Passions Day- Tuesday 17th September
  • John Monash Science School Immersion Program- Wednesday 18th September and Wednesday 28th August
  • Divsional Athletics- Wednesday 18th September
  • Pyjama Day and Year Three-Six Electives- Friday 6th September
  • Foundation excursion to RipponLea and District Athletics- Wednesday 4th September
  • School-wide Book Fair- Friday 30th August- Wednesday 4th September
  • Parents Association Bingo Evening- Saturday 31st August
  • FISAF Gold Coast Nationals- Saturday 31st August
  • Fathers' Day Event and Stalls- Wednesay 28th August and Friday 30th August
  • Auslan Day and school-wide events- Thursday 29th August
  • Year Five/Six Hooptime Tournament- Monday 26th August
  • Book Week Dress Up Day- Wednesday 21st August

And the list above is only the past four weeks!!! What an exciting place to belong!


For details and pictures from the above events, we encourage you to read each page of our newsletter. 


We also have a very exciting Term Four ahead of us!

Seeking input from families regarding our Student Progress Reports


As a school we are wanting to hear from parents/carers about what they value, what they think, and what they would like to see changed or improved in our student progress reports. 


The first step in this process is inviting interested parents/carers to provide their input into the design of a set of survey questions which will be distributed to our school community in early Term Four, 2024. 


If you are interested in contributing to the design of the survey brief, please email 


 Communicating with the Principal

We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input: 


Damien Kitch (Principal) 

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