School News 

BPS Christmas Carols

You are warmly invited to join us for our Christmas Carols on Wednesday 11th December. It will run from 5:00pm - 6:00pm with all students and families to be seated by 4:45pm. All students from Prep to Year 6 will perform two songs each, with a special performance by the Year 6 students and their Prep Buddies. Families are encouraged to join in the festivities and are welcome to bring picnic rugs or deck chairs for seating. There will also be a sausage sizzle, where you can purchase a sausage and a soft drink for $5 (cash only). We look forward to celebrating a wonderful year with you and hope to see you there!


Reading Nights Pizza Party

This year our students have been focussing on reading at home as much as they can; working towards a goal of 100 nights (100 times, not 100 books).


To celebrate and acknowledge their efforts, we will be holding a Pizza Party on Friday 6th December for students who have read 100 nights. 


Students have until the Friday prior, next Friday 29th November, to achieve 100 nights of reading and receive a ticket to the Pizza Party. Please ensure reading logs are up to date so teachers can accurately keep track of reading nights. Thank you. 

For Newsletter Thursday 21st November


Environmental Science Update

At Beaumaris Primary we are always trying to manage our waste sustainability and look after our wonderful environment. Two new initiatives we have implemented are:


7-Eleven Disposable Coffee Cups Collection

We have installed a unit in the staffroom which was provided by 7-Eleven where you can place your used disposable coffee cups and lids. Please make sure they are rinsed.

We would love everyone to use a reusable coffee cup where possible but understand sometimes it’s not possible and believe this recycling program is the next best option.


Beauy Bucks 10 Cent Recycling Scheme Collection

In the SALC near the Environmental Science room we have two large yellow wheelie bins which are clearly labelled to collect recyclable bottles/cans/juice and milk boxes for recycling. We are hoping students will put the drink boxes from their canteen lunches in there, and we would welcome families to bring in their recyclables with the 10c recyclable symbol on them if they’re not already participating in this program themselves.

Cooper Bates in Year 1 and his mum Alison, and Jasmin Bond in Year 6, have been instrumental in setting up this initiative and we thank them for that. Any funds we make will be invested in equipment for the school. HAPPY RECYCLING!!!

Wow, we were blown away at the JSC Cake Baking Competition. Not only were all the cakes wonderful but these two shown below were incredible - not just in the skill the students displayed when creating them, but in the fact that they chose our Kitchen Garden and Chickens. I was very excited and thrilled to see them. Well done girls!


Mrs Lindy McManus

Environmental Science


Scholastic Book Club 

Issue 8 is out now. Orders for this issue are due Monday, the 2nd of December.


Book Club LOOP: