The Learning Zone

Mrs Maria Wilson - Leader of Pedagogy

Semester 2 Reports 

Semester 2 reports are being written and finalised. Semester reports are a formal way for teachers to communicate how your child/ren are going with their learning. 


Reports include your child/rens achievement information about each learning area that has been studied throughout the semester. The achievement codes show the overall achievement of your child/ren against what is expected at the time of reporting using the outcomes from the NSW syllabus for each learning area. 


A five point scale is used in reporting: Working beyond expected level of achievement 

(A & B), working at expected level of achievement (C), working towards expected level of achievement (D & E). Written comments outline what your child has achieved and provides advice on areas for improvement. 


Please be assured that achieving a ‘C’ on the report card is considered a sound level of achievement. Achieving a ‘C’ should be acknowledged as achieving at the level of a child at that stage of schooling. 


You can refer to NESA's Parent Guides for further information

Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) - EnglishMathematics

Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) - EnglishMathematics

Stages 2 & 3 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) - EnglishMathematics 


Overview: Stage 2 - EnglishMathematics

Overview: Stage 3 - English Mathematics