Middle School

Year 8 Big Day Out - Redbanks Mud Run
Friday 29 November - Operoo forms due NOW!
As a celebration for the end of their time in the Middle School, the Year 8 cohort will be attending the Redbanks Mud Run. Students will attend their Key Classes at 8.30am for attendance and at 8.50am they will board the buses and travel to Redbanks in Nugent.
Students will be permitted to wear sports uniform on the day or dress in house colours. Students must bring a change of clothes and shoes to participate in the Mud Run. The best shoes on the day are ones that have good grip and can be laced well. A warm jacket is also a good idea for recovery, and don’t forget spare underwear, shoes and a towel! There are showers on site for students to use, but students will need a garbage bag for their wet and muddy clothes. All clothes are to return home as they can not be disposed of at the venue. It is recommended to wear old clothes for the mud run.
We will return from the venue at 2pm, arriving back at school at approximately 3pm. Students will be dismissed when we arrive back at the Middle School, slightly earlier than the usual school day.
The Mud Run gives the students the opportunity to practise the core values of perseverance, teamwork, determination and a great sense of fun. We invite them to show their sense of belonging and pride for their House by dressing up in their House colours for the run.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch and drink bottle, with more food and drink than they would for an average school day. We will have a lunch break at the venue; there is nowhere to buy food or drink, and students will not have access to the canteen before leaving school. Students who require medication (epipen, asthma medication, allergies) must bring their medication with them, and show a staff member prior to boarding the bus.
A reminder that Operoo permissions must be accepted AND the Redbanks waiver must be printed, signed and returned to the Middle School office no later that Friday 15 November.
Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
Wednesday 27 November
Years 5, 6 and 7 Choir students have been invited to be the feature choir at Tasmania’s 2024 Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 27 November. This is a significant event and we are honoured to be asked. The audience will comprise of approximately 400 guests, including the Governor, Premier, numerous members of Parliament and business leaders from across the community. This year’s speaker is former NSW Premier, Mr Mike Baird.
Please make sure that your child is dressed in the correct full uniform for their year level.
Schools Triathlon Challenge
Thursday 28 November
For students that have registered for the triathlon a reminder that registration opens on the day from 7.30am. Students are to make their own way to Bellerive Beach and Friends’ staff will be there from 8.45am. Please check in with staff on arrival at the school tent, situated on the grassed area behind the main staff car park.
All students are to wear their sports uniform to and from the Triathlon. The event is scheduled to still run regardless of wet weather (unless considered unsafe) so please ensure you have clothes for a wet day as well as sunscreen, a towel and a spare set of clothes in a plastic bag. Also although food is being sold, we recommend taking plenty of snacks and water.
Students will be dismissed from the event at approximately 2.15pm and will need to make their own transport arrangements home. A note giving permission to ride a bike from the event must be provided to a staff member on the day.
Please go to the STC website for more detailed information and also the Operoo form that was sent out for individual and team race times.
Outdoor Marimba Concert
Friday 22 November
We warmly invite you to our upcoming Outdoor Marimba Concert on Friday 22 November. Beginning at 5pm in the beautiful outdoor area beside The Farrall Centre and Walpole (Bark Chip/Courtyard), this concert will showcase the talents of our Marimba ensembles from Years 5 to 12.
A BBQ will be available in partnership with the Rotary Club, with all proceeds going toward their community initiatives. We look forward to sharing this special evening of music with you and your family.
Year 7 Information Evening
Tuesday 26 November
There will be an Information Evening on Tuesday 26 November for parents and guardians of students commencing Year 7 in 2025. The evening will run from 7.00pm until 8.30pm and will be held in The Farrall Centre.
This is a valuable opportunity to learn more about our Year 7 and the Middle School program, to meet key staff members and other parents. Presentations will include information about the curricular and co-curricular programs, our Quaker values and pastoral care.
Book your tickets here.
Wind, Brass, and Percussion Concert
Monday 2 December
We invite you to join us for a short, informal concert featuring our wind, brass, and percussion ensembles at The Farrall Centre on Monday 2 December, starting at 6pm. Performances will include students from the Intermediate Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band. Families are warmly welcome to attend.
This is a free and unticketed event.
Small Paws Animal Rescue Drive - Student Voice Council and Service Council initiatives
In Term 4, the Student Voice Council and Service Council have joined forces to raise awareness and much needed funds for Small Paws Animal Rescue. Owned and run by ex-staff member, Whendiey Stewart. Whendiey discussed the vital work of the charity at our assembly on Wednesday, and how care, compassion and giving to the community is so important.
To support Small Paws, the Middle School will be running a number of initiatives in November.
Firstly, we are asking for donations for the Small Paws House Donation Drive, particularly their most needed items, until Friday 22 November.
The second initiative we are running to raise awareness of the important work that Small Paws does in the community, and to encourage the community to donate, is a 30 second ad challenge. Students can submit their ads to Essie Hoggart by the Monday 25 November.
Important Dates
Term 4 | Monday 14 October to Thursday 12 December
CLICK HERE to view the School calendar