Primary School

Monday 18 November
Next week we will be holding a Walpole Assembly for our Year 3 - 6 students. As The Farrall Centre is unavailable the assembly will take place outside in the grounds near the Library, weather permitting, and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome families to attend. There will be no Wells Assembly next week. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.
Year 6 Places of Worship Excursion
Friday 15 November
To extend and deepen our inquiry into Who we are: beliefs and values, Year 6 will walk to the Hobart Mosque and St Mary’s Cathedral on Friday 15 November. Students will participate in tours of each venue and have opportunities to ask questions about history, beliefs and practices. During the following week members of the Hobart Sikh and Buddhist communities will be visiting us at school to provide students with an insight into these faiths as well. Students are required to wear full sports uniform and bring a packed lunch, snack, water bottle and hat. Please apply adequate sunscreen before school and pack a raincoat as required.
Fire Safety Program
Monday 18 - Wednesday 27 November
Firefighter Drew from the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) is visiting our school in the coming weeks to present a Home Fire Safety Program to our Prep to Grade 6 students. Kindergarten students, whilst not receiving a structured lesson, can expect a visit from Fireman Drew who will leave some free fun activities for the students to complete. The age appropriate program is designed to raise fire awareness in children and includes fun in class activities, videos, activity books, giveaways and a new kids website. Parents and other family members are also encouraged to participate by reading the information and assisting your child with the after school activities. The TFS aims to deliver appropriate fire safety education to every primary school child in Tasmania and is part of the TFS’s ongoing commitment to create a fire safe Tasmania.
Waste Free Lunch Day
Wednesday 20 November
In Week 6, The Primary Environment Council is holding its final Waste Free Lunch Day event for 2024. Building on the success of the previous events, we are calling on all families to have a go at reducing their lunch box waste. We will be measuring any disposable lunch box wrappers and containers brought to school on this day in an effort to reduce our environmental impact. The aim of this event is to develop positive habits over time that minimise the amount of rubbish that is brought into our school environment. We encourage families to consider working with your child to pack a lunch box full of healthy snacks and bulk food items in our quest to tread lightly on the earth.
Outdoor Marimba Concert
Friday 22 November
We warmly invite you to our upcoming Outdoor Marimba Concert on Friday 22 November. Beginning at 5pm in the beautiful outdoor area beside The Farrall Centre and Walpole (Bark Chip/Courtyard), this concert will showcase the talents of our Marimba ensembles from Years 5 to 12.
A BBQ will be available in partnership with the Rotary Club, with all proceeds going toward their community initiatives. We look forward to sharing this special evening of music with you and your family.
Year 7 Information Evening
Tuesday 26 November
There will be an Information Evening on Tuesday 26 November for parents and guardians of students commencing Year 7 in 2025. The evening will run from 7.00pm until 8.30pm and will be held in The Farrall Centre. This is a valuable opportunity to learn more about our Year 7 and Middle School program and to meet key staff members and other parents. Presentations will include information about the curricular and co-curricular programs, our Quaker values and pastoral care.
Book your tickets here.
Year 2 Outdoor Education Excursion - Cremorne Beach
Tuesday 26 November
Year 2 will travel to Cremorne Beach by bus with their class teachers and Outdoor Education Teacher, Emily Ardas. Students will be exploring how Tasmanian Aboriginal people connect to Sea Country. We will depart school at 9.00am and will be returning to school by the end of the school day. Students need to come dressed in their sports uniform, including a sunhat and waterproof raincoat. They should bring a big lunch and lots of snacks, a full water bottle and any required personal medications (labelled) for the day. Please ensure your child’s Operoo profile is up to date and sunscreen is applied before they arrive at school.
Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
Wednesday 27 November
Years 5, 6 and 7 Choir students have been invited to be the feature choir at Tasmania’s 2024 Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday 27 November. This is a significant event and we are honoured to be asked. The audience will comprise of approximately 400 guests, including the Governor, Premier, numerous members of Parliament and business leaders from across the community. This year’s speaker is former NSW Premier, Mr Mike Baird.
Please make sure that your child is dressed in the correct full uniform for their year level.
Year 1 Outdoor Education Excursion - Fossil Cove
Wednesday 27 November
Year 1 will be embarking upon a coastal day to Fossil Cove and Tinderbox Reserve. The students will leave at 9.15am and return to school at 1.30pm with class teachers and Emily Ardas, the Outdoor Education teacher, facilitating this day, providing students with the opportunity to search for, identify, ask questions and think about what fossils can tell us about the past. Students are required to wear their sports uniform and sturdy shoes for walking in. They are also to bring a backpack containing: morning tea and lunch, rain jacket, water bottle, a warm jumper, sun hat and a change of socks. Please ensure your child’s Operoo profile is up to date and sunscreen is applied before they arrive at school.
Prep Art Exhibition
Wednesday 27 November
We are very pleased to invite our families and friends to the Prep Art Exhibition 2024. The Exhibition will take place in The Farrall Centre on Wednesday 27 November from 2.15pm - 3.15pm, we hope you are able to join us. Parents, could you please meet your child outside the classroom and they will escort you to the Opening and then guide you around the Exhibition.
Year 6 Camp - South Arm
Thursday 28 - Friday 29 November
On Thursday 28 November, Year 6 will be attending their annual camp at South Arm. This camp is focussing on Aboriginal Culture and connection to Country, spirituality, organisation and community. They will depart school on Thursday morning at 9.00am and return by 2.30pm, Friday 29 November. Students may be collected from the drive through on Friday from 2.40pm. Further information about camp has been provided for parents through Operoo. If you have any questions please contact your child’s Year 6 teacher.
Kinder - Year 2 Sports Day
Friday 29 November
The Kinder to Year 2 Sports Day will be held on Friday 29 November on the School's bottom green from 12.00pm - 1.30pm. Parents and families are welcome to attend. Children are to wear their sports uniform and ensure they have their hat and a water bottle for the event. A program has been emailed to parents. Any further questions please contact Ella Smail by email.
Primary Schools Triathlon Challenge
Friday 29 November
A reminder to those Year 5 students entered in the Primary Schools Triathlon Challenge that it is to be held on Friday 29 November at Bellerive Beach. Students involved will travel by bus to and from the venue. More information will come home in due course. Any enquiries please contact Lisa Di Venuto.
Wind, Brass, and Percussion Concert
Monday 2 December
We invite you to join us for a short, informal concert featuring our wind, brass, and percussion ensembles at The Farrall Centre on Monday, 2 December, starting at 6pm. Performances will include students from the Intermediate Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band. Families are warmly welcome to attend.
This is a free and unticketed event.
Recycled Bottle Art Day - Donations Requested
During our January Vacation Care program we will be having a Recycled Bottle Art Day, turning used plastic bottles into creative works of art. We need help with donations of empty, clean bottles for the day. If you have any to spare, please drop them off at Outside School Hours Care in the Frank Wells Hall in coming weeks.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 4 Monday 14 October to Thursday 12 December
Thursday 28 – Friday 29 November – Year 6 Camp
Friday 29 November – K-2 Sports Day
Monday 2 December – Moving on Day and Year 7 Orientation
Wednesday 4 December - End of Year Gathering
Friday 6 December - Year 2 Musical
Monday 9 December – Year 6 Assembly
Wednesday 11 December – Year 6 Social
Thursday 12 December - Primary School Community Day