School News

Parents & Friends AGM Monday 2nd Dec
2025 Grade 6 Uniform
Grade 6 Jacket/Polo Order Information
Each year, Grade 6 students have the opportunity to purchase a jacket or polo featuring the names of their peers and their graduating year printed on the back.
Order forms were recently sent home with students and are also available at the school office. Uniform samples are available at the office for students to try on in order to determine the correct size.
Important: The deadline for orders is Friday, December 13th.
Please note that no orders will be accepted after this date to ensure adequate processing time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the office.
Sunglasses Donations
Our drama group is looking for donations of old sunglasses for their Festival on the Lawn production. If you have any lying around, please drop them into the office and we will pass them on. Thank you in advance!
Breakfast Club
It has been wonderful to welcome students and families back to Breakfast Club this term! We have had so many students visit us in the mornings for delicious toasties, cereals and milos to help kick start their learning day. We are so thankful for the many generous food donations provided by the community and from our sponsors - Foodbank, IGA Trafalgar, Bakers Delight Mid Valley and Gracie’s Bakery.
Due to these donations, Breakfast Club continues to be able to support families through the provision of Care Packages. We remind families that our Traf Pantry can be found in the Gym Foyer and continues to be stocked with many excellent products, available to anyone - and they’re free! If you would like to receive a Care Package or know of a family who may benefit, feel free to drop into our School Office, see Mrs Burns or Mrs Marslen.
Donations of Jam and Milo needed, please!
Thank you again to all families who have generously donated tins of Milo to our Breakfast Club. Any extra donations of Milo, as well as jam would be greatly appreciated to support our school community!
Looking forward to seeing you for brekky!
Mrs Burns and Mrs Marslen
Breakfast Club Masterchefs
OSHClub Events & Offers in 2025
If you are looking for a fun and caring space for your children either before school or after, please contact our OSHClub on 0439 735 713 or