From the Principal
Diana Ellis
From the Principal
Diana Ellis
Carlsruhe Fair
Last weekend we had our bi-annual Carlsruhe Fair and it was a roaring success. Of course an event of this magnitude dos not come easy. A year ago we started organising the event and put out a call for committee members. We got off to a slow start but once we finally gathered a willing and committed crew we never looked back. Behind the scenes our strong team never stopped, they had one goal in mind and that was to present a fair that provided for all.
There are so many people to thank. My first round of appreciation goes to our tireless and dedicated organising committee led by Salina Chamerski.
Justine, Mikkel, Susi, Jen, Eliza, Tim, Anita, Tracey, Naomi, Pia, Nyssa, Ren, Simone, Anna, Emily, Roland.
On the day we also had a dedicated group of people who managed our stalls, ticketing and dispersal, collection and counting of money.
A huge thankyou to:
Cath – preserves, plants and old fashioned games
Naomi – mystery jars
Anita and Johnny – baked potatoes
Eliza and Tim – plants
Jen and Sam – toasties
Tracey and Tess – ticketing/wrist bands
Mikkel and Justine – logistics/entertainment
Salina – logistics
Jed and Pia - silent auction
Sue and Laura - finances
Susie and Darren – popcorn and truck transport of all items
Nyssa and Anna - cake stall
Michael – sound system
Simone and Sean – bbq
Ren – scones
Roland and Renee - old fashioned games
Brendan O’Connor - fairy floss
A HUGE shoutout also to the wonderful staff members who volunteered their time to be part of the “sponge throw”. Getting drenched on such a hot day made it a bit more enjoyable.
Thank you to Mrs. Ireland, Mrs, Minchew, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Condon and Tamara.
Behind the scenes Kerry and Sue in the office also did a mountain of work and we can’t thank them enough.
Then there is the most wonderfully talented Mr. Bromley, who tirelessly provided entertainment all day. For weeks on end, he has supported and encouraged our students so they could perform on the day.
Another big thankyou to our wonderful MC’s, comedians and musicians – the very talented Russell Wigginton, Stephen Curry and Des Dowling.
I would also like to thank our community as a whole – to all of the people who attended and supported us, the people who contributed to our stalls and the very generous people/businesses who provided sponsorship and donations, marquees and trestle tables and community groups such as Ambulance Victoria, SES, the local singers and street band, the Army Band, and Nic and Graham for the efforts involved in shearing our sheep.
Unfortunately, I have probably missed someone in my appreciations. If you were involved in supporting our fair in anyway, whatsoever, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Pictures - Mrs Ellis
Pictures - Tim Collins
Over the last two weeks, our 2025 Foundation students have been attending transition sessions. It is always a joy to see the level of excitement with our future students.
Year 6 SC Speeches
Last week we had the pleasure of listening to our Year 5 students presenting their speeches as part of the application process for 2025 Leadership roles such as School Captains and House Captains. It was pleasing to see the time and thought that had gone into the speeches. We look forward to announcing our 2025 leaders and congratulate all students who were courageous enough to participate in the selection process.
Year 5/6 zoo excursion
Yesterday our Year 5/6 students spent a day at Melbourne Zoo. The excursion complemented their current unit of study. We are very proud of the behaviour our students demonstrated.
Its that time of year when all books need to be returned to our school library.
Please have a good look in/on/around and under those sneaky places in your home(s) for any books and return them to our library. Susan our Librarian has put a cut off time for the return of books before notices go out to parents.
Class structure
We are still finalising our staffing profile and class structure for next year. We have been completing interviews this week for new staff and hope that by the end of the week we will be able to finalise the structure and teacher placement.
Parent requests
We understand that all parents want the best for their children, as do we as educators. You know your children at home, we know your children at school – including their style of learning, their strengths and areas for growth and their friendships.
All students have been given the opportunity to list friends they would like to be with. We endeavour for all children to be with a minimum of one friend.
In making our decision we consider your child’s behaviours, social and emotional capabilities, academic abilities, ability to work with others and the necessity to cater for anxieties or adjustments to support the child’s learning.
Please trust and respect us as educators in placing your child for 2025. Unless your child is one of our students listed as needing adjustments, please do not email us about teacher choice or friendship choice. If you need to further discuss your child’s learning needs and adjustments, please make an appointment to discuss these needs. Please keep in mind we have 410 students to place.
Term 1 dates (see calendar page also)
Our School Council Student Free Days
Diana Ellis