
Canteen Roster - November
  28Jen29Jasmine K & Merrie
Canteen Roster - December
42 helpers needed5Judith S6Cecile & 1 helper needed
112 helpers needed12Nyssa13Bec A & Tim
18'Sushi Day'19

Canteen Closed



Canteen Closed


  • The end is near…only a few more pleas for help…just a few more names to complete the roster and end on a high.
  • Please contact me ASAP on 0411558557 should you be available on any of the highlighted dates.
  • Again, a huge thanks to John Webster who always ‘fills in the blanks’...John doesn’t even have children at this school so that says something!!!

Sushi Day is Wednesday 18th December…Details to follow

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi