Foundation Unit

This fortnight in Reading, students have been discussing and recording the beginning, middle and end of different fairytale stories. They have been enjoying listening to different versions of the same fairytale and identifying the similarities and differences between them.
In Writing, students have been writing their own fairytales using the texts from reading as inspiration. They have planned, drafted and published some of their stories and are even enjoying reading their peers' stories during independent reading.
In Maths, we are revising previously taught skills from earlier in the year. The students have been practicing addition skills, counting skills and number formation.
Finally, as we are getting closer to the end of the year, we are beginning to send home student work. If possible, could students please bring a spare bag to school to assist them in carrying home some of their school work.
Foundation Teachers
Libby Cannon (PLC), Courtney Lawrence (PCL)/Alison Meggs, Bree Smith (PBS)