Student Learning

What is happening around the school


In Foundation we are continuing to grow our knowledge about numbers by learning about number lines.


Grades 1 and 2

Grades 1 and 2 attended a Responsible Pets incursion. We learned how to be safe around dogs and the signs to look out for when a dog is comfortable with us being near them or happy for us to pat their backs.  Some of us had a go of being responsible and acting this out with a real dog! Did you know that if a dog is wearing a red and yellow striped collar that this is a sign that it’s not safe to approach that dog?  


Grades 5 & 6


Grade 5/6 students have been working collaboratively to create Stop Motion Clay Mation short films.Students chose a scene from a well-known fairytale, a nursery rhyme or a picture storybook to recreate and bring to life. They planned their production using Story Boards, and created backdrops and characters using clay and Lego. The students have combined film, audio and sound effects to enhance their work. 


Our target audience is our Foundation and Grade 1 buddies, so we are looking forward to having a celebration session to watch them together later in the term.