Middle Years

 - Mr Ben Hawthorne, Head of Middle Years

Being comfortable with feeling uncomfortable


This week, all students began their Step-up Program. This has involved new teachers, new classmates, and even new subjects. Having been in the same class and the same teachers over the past semester (or more), many people have become very comfortable in their learning environment, and these changes may have felt a little uncomfortable for students.   


Being in uncomfortable situations isn't easy, but sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is what it takes to learn, grow, and change. By learning how to embrace the discomfort, students allow themselves to grow their friendship groups, find new interests, and develop their resilience. What makes students uncomfortable varies for each person. The trick is for students to keep finding ways to build their tolerance to small levels of distress without pushing themselves past their limits. When faced with something new or different, most students experience some degree of discomfort at first but usually adapt to the situation after getting used to it. Gradually extending students beyond what's easy and comfortable can be empowering and develop their confidence level. Once students become more comfortable with being a little uncomfortable, they will find that the things that used to feel scary aren't as intimidating as they once thought. It’s important for Middle Years students to also realise that they aren’t alone. If they are feeling a little uncomfortable with their new class, teachers, rooms or subjects, others will be as well. 


I hope all of the Middle Years students embrace the challenges of stepping up to their new year level and get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.