- Mr Michael Horne
- Mr Michael Horne
This week, as we began the Step Up program for 2025 classes, we welcomed a large cohort of incoming students in the Senior School. The new Collegians have come from various other local and regional schools and are entering cohorts from Year 8 to Year 11 for next year. My thanks to those students acting as buddies for the week and helping our new students to settle in. Likewise, thank you to key staff Susie Holcombe, Ben Hawthorne, Helen Reiher, Kristen Waldron, Anna Robertson, and the Heads of House for putting a warm and structured induction program in place.
I extend a very warm welcome to all new students and their families as they join the College community and experience first-hand all that we value, offer, and do.
End of Year Events
A reminder of two key end-of-year traditions at College – the Christmas Service on Thursday, 5 December, and Old-Fashioned Sports Day on Friday, 6 December, which is the final day for students. Both of these events are compulsory for students, with House awards and Colours being contingent on attendance. I look forward to celebrating the year with you at one or both of these.