Kinder/Year 1

After our Assembly item last week, I wasn’t going to talk any more about science, but we have been having so much fun learning about sound energy, that I decided to share!
We have been investigating sound energy and exploring how forces and sound energy can be used together. We looked at all the various pushes and pulls used to play instruments. The number of pushes and pulls needed for an orchestra to play a piece of music is incredible! We related our prior wind energy learning to the wind instruments in an orchestra - perfectly integrated learning here - we are currently learning how to play the recorder!
Lastly, we learned about pitch and how to create it on various technologies (not necessarily equipment normally used to make music! Thank you Mr Malcolm for helping to make some of these. Mr. Malcolm has been doing teacher observation sessions in our room.
A student observes the way objects move and relates changes in motion to push and pull forces.
A student describes common forms of energy and explores some characteristics of sound energy.