Kitchen Garden
4C & 4R
Kitchen Garden
4C & 4R
4C recently celebrated the end of their Kitchen Garden program by making and enjoying homemade pizzas, veggie sticks and dip and lemon crackle biscuits in their cooking session.
Thank you to Peta, Casey and Sarah for helping with the session.
"I liked the cheese because it was pretty drippy"
"The lemon biscuits were very nice and tasty"
"The hummus dip went nicely with the veggie sticks"
"My favourite part of the meal was the pizza because the cheese was drippy"
"My favourite bit was the drippy cheese"
"I had so much fun"
"My favourite part of the day was helping set up the kitchen in the morning"
4R have been enjoying afternoons in the garden, learning all about composting and worm farms, safe and correct use of garden tools, and planting a variety of seeds and seedlings.