From the Assistant Principal
Dear Parents,
It's hard to believe that we are quickly coming to the end of what has been a very busy term and in fact a very busy year. We still have a couple of major events coming up before the end of the year to celebrate all we have achieved. Please see our list of calendar events for more details.
Many parents have been asking about Mrs Burfield. We had been trying to get her back for a proper farewell, however her health has prevented that from happening. Mrs Burfield has been in hospital for a long period of time and has been exceptionally taken care of by the staff at Sutherland hospital in her ongoing health battle. She has good and bad days and is being kept comfortable.
Due to your overwhelming prayers and thoughts of support, Mrs Burfield wanted us to inform this wonderfully caring community that she has just received the news that there are no further treatment options for her cancer and therefore will receive ongoing pain management.
She is hoping to be home by Christmas so that she can enjoy time with her family and especially her new grandson, Finn, who was born a couple of months ago. Mrs Burfield thanks you for your kind wishes and thoughts and knows that you keep her in your prayers. At the end of last term, in preparation for her original farewell, all of our classes created a farewell poster that we were going to present to her. Mrs Moss and I took that to the hospital early this term and she was very touched by all of the thoughts and wishes.
I know, as parents, you have not had the chance to say a formal farewell for her. Over the coming few days we will be sending out a digital card so that you can add your wishes onto it. Watch Compass early next week for more details. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Next week, we begin our transition sessions for 2025. On Monday afternoon, students will go to their new grades. Teachers of that grade will discuss grade expectations and some of the things that are planned for the following year.
On Monday 16th December at 2.10pm, students will go to their new class and meet their new teacher. A 2025 staff list will be sent home on this day.
Have a great week,
Jim Heelis
Assistant Principal