Principal's Address

Touch Football / Netball Carnival
Wow! Another amazing carnival is behind us. An estimated 6000 people descended on the Boorowa Show Ground a fortnight ago to play non-competitive Touch Football and Netball. With 27 touch fields and 25 netball courts running a game every 20 minutes between 9am and 3pm, it was a very busy day.
Thank you to the many, many staff, P and C members, parents, volunteers and Hilltops council for contributing to the success of the day.
I thought it may be fun to share some of the quantities of food that was sold on the day:
500 hot dogs
600 steak sandwiches
800 bacon and egg sandwiches
840 powerades
1000 coffees
1200 push pops
1500 sausage sandwiches
6000 sour straps
Thank you to the Woolfest Art Show organisers
Thank you to the orgainsers of the Woolfest Art show for their generous donation to the school. Due to the success of the art show, our school can better cater for the educational and wellbeing needs of our students.
Higher School Certificate and Year 12 Formal
The last of the Higher School Certificate examinations were held this week all across NSW. Year 12 students are now finished their schooling and can look forward to their Formal’s and schoolies activities. Our Year 12 cohort will be enjoying their Formal on Saturday 9 November at the Boorowa ex-services club. I am looking forward to sharing this last occasion with the students and wish them all the best for life beyond Boorowa Central School.
At Boorowa Central School, we have a ‘no hat, no play’ policy for all students Kindergarten to Year 12. This policy is a part of the SunSmart program which also includes sunscreen, playing in the shade and wearing appropriate clothing. Infants and primary students are expected to wear their school bucket hats when playing in the playground and during physical education and sport lessons. For the longer periods of time in the sun, students are provided sunscreen and alternate play between sunny and shaded areas.
Secondary students can wear a hat of their choice when in the playground or during physical education and sport – but the consistent expectation is that all students in the sun, wear a hat.
Together we can take steps toward protecting our children from skin cancer in the future by being SunSmart every day and making sure children wear their hats when in the sun.
For more information on the SunSmart program, please watch this short clip.
Boorowa Central School bucket hats are now available for purchase at the school canteen. These hats are microfibre, size adjustable and only $20. If you need a hat, please drop into the school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and speak to Canteen Manger Sammi.
Another area that our students can improve is wearing helmets when riding bikes and scooters to and from school. I have observed the non-wearing of helmets on many occasions and often ask the students why they are not being worn. The typical responses are ‘I couldn’t find it’, ‘it was wet’ or ‘I don’t have one’. This greatly concerns me because it only takes one accident to cause a brain injury and brain injuries do not heal – leaving the person to suffer for the rest of their life.
Please support your child by firstly providing a helmet and then ensuring that they wear it when riding or scootering to and from school.
Allergy friendly school expectations
This is a reminder that Boorowa Central School is an Allergy-Friendly school. Please avoid packing sandwiches with spreads such as Peanut Butter or Nutella. By doing so, we can reduce the risk of students suffering from anaphylaxis caused by accidental contact with these allergens.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
New flag pole
Boorowa Central School's new flag pole has been erected near the front entrance of the school and it looks great. The pole was a gift to the school from the Year 12 cohort of 2023.
Each day, the flagpole will fly 3 flags - Australian National flag (centre), the Australian Aboriginal flag and Torres Strait Islander flag. These flags will be raised and lowered each day by our student leaders, as a part of their leadership responsibilities, and in accordance to flag protocols.
Remember to look up next time you visit the school so you can enjoy our new flag pole.
I am taking leave at the end of Week 6 for the last 4 weeks of this term. Emma, the children and I are heading to Bali to meet with extended family for a major birthday milestone. We are then staying a little longer to enjoy some time together.
In my absence, Ms Trudy Mahoney will be relieving Principal, Mr Andrew Corcoran will relieve as Deputy Principal and Miss Jess Bromfield will relieve as AMPS Faculty Leader.
Ms Mahoney, Mr Corcoran and Miss Bromfield are all highly professional and I have no doubt that they will do a great job in my absence. I thank them for stepping into these roles.