Key upcoming dates

Thursday 5 December
Year 6 Mass and Awards Ceremony, Cathedral (9.00am).
Friday 6 December
Year 6 Luncheon.
Chess Club, Student Resource Centre (3.00pm–4.00pm).
Monday 9 December
First Nations End of Year Gathering, Marion Bay (8.45am–2.45pm).
Wednesday 11 December
Year 3–6 Christmas Celebrations, Nagle Centre (1.30pm)
Thursday 12 December
Senior School Prize Giving Evening, Wrest Point Casino (6.30pm)
Friday 13 December
Prep–Year 9 Thanksgiving Mass and Picnic, College Green (10.30am–2.00pm).
Term 4 concludes for all students.
To view more dates, please access the St Mary's College calendar by logging into the Connect parent portal.