Student achievements

Congratulations to the following students
Aurora Giuliani and Asha Lee (Year 12), who have had their artwork selected for ArtRage, which is an exhibition curated by the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery and showcases the work of students studying pretertiary art in Years 11 and 12 across the state. The exhibition will travel to Hobart in 2025. Until then, you can catch it at the QVMAG in Launceston from 14 December. If you're travelling north over the holidays, pop in and see the amazing work on display.
Pictured above: Aurora's stunning sculptural pieces; and Asha's captivating cat eye.
Tasmanian Science Talent Search
Congratulations to students in the Junior School and Senior School who participated in the 2024 Tasmanian Science Talent Search.
We are pleased to announce that two St Mary’s students received prizes at the awards ceremony at the University of Tasmania on Tuesday 3 December.
Well done to the following students:
- Rehmaa Shadan (Year 8), who received third place in the Year 7/8 Research Investigations category for her investigation ‘Water Temperature vs Plants, when do they grow?’
- Anya Nordinson (Year 4), who received first place in the Year 3/4 Scientific Picture Book category for her story ‘Species Survival – Green Sea Turtles’.
ICAS awards
ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) is a series of competitions designed to assess academic skills. Students who achieve the top score in their state receive an ICAS medal.
Congratulations to the students who received the top score in Tasmania in the following categories:
Year 3 ICAS English – Sylvia Watt
Year 4 ICAS English – Suvaani Rhajbhandari
Year 5 ICAS English – Mia Wanandy
Year 7 ICAS Spelling Bee – Jean Beerworth
Year 8 ICAS English – Jorgia Eyles
Year 9 ICAS Science – Rozalia Arnold
Storytelling Showcase
Congratulations to the following students who received awards for their entries in the Junior School Storytelling Showcase:
Prep – Year 2
First Place – Poppy McLeod (Year 2)
Second Place – Annabelle Dransfield (Year 2)
Creative Writer’s Award – Manuli Gunatilake (Year 1)
Year 3–4
First Place – Frankie Whelan (Year 3)
Second Place – Daisy Holborow, Lucinda Turner (Year 4)
Highly Commended – Evelyn Haddon-Cave, Tess Clark (Year 3)
Year 5-6
First Place – Nina Canning (Year 6)
Second Place – Emily Yan (Year 5), Amelie Murphy (Year 6)
Highly Commended – Annabel Barnard (Year 6), Mila Hardaker (Year 6)
Principal’s Award – Amelie Murphy (Year 6)
Is your child accomplishing amazing things? We'd love to celebrate their success! Please email their achievements to and we will acknowledge them in The Fountain newsletter.