Years 2 & 3

Our swimming program has come to a close for this year. It was exciting to see the growth of all students over the two weeks.
Jigsaws created by pictures from the story.
We finished reading our class text Wandi. Students rated this book very highly and recommend others read it. We will try to read the sequel Kimmi over then new few weeks. This week students completed book reports and said their favourite part about the book was....
- When Wandi meets Ebony and Hermione his new friends. (Maddie)
- My favourite part is when a human first picks him up and cares for him. (Ivy)
- My favourite part is at the end of the story when he isn't afraid of eagles anymore because that shows bravery. (Sienna)
We all enjoyed the story and learnt lots about dingoes from the book but also whilst completing information reports about them.
Did you know that dingoes can hear a heart beat from 25m away and that their are three types of Australian dingoes; Alpine, Desert and Tropical. Dingoes have longer, more slender canine teeth than dogs, this helps them hunt and eat their pray.
In maths we have continued learning addition and subtraction strategies and can use these skills and apply them to different scenarios.
We have also been practicing our fluency skills by developing our speed and accuracy with number facts including friends of 10 & 20, doubles, near doubles and adding single digits.
In Humanities the Year 3-6 students have continued learning about significant, natural features in Australia including Wave Rock in WA, The Devil's Marbles in NT and the Dinosaur Fossil site at Winton in Queensland, to name a few. Students have begun creating a diorama about a significant Australian landmark of their choice.