Years F & 1

In science we had a look at slippery surfaces. We spoke about the different surfaces we have at school and whether they are safe or not. The tradesman’s building the path and getting it ready for concrete was a perfect teaching for this. We spoke how they made the surface level and whether concrete would be a safe choice. We took a walk outside with a bucket with water and leaves and students were testing out whether different surfaces were slippery.
We had another foundation transition morning and it was lovely having the new foundations for next year back at school. We started our morning with some fine motor and sensory play which is helping students with skills in holding a pencil. We did some sounds write where we practiced the sounds a, i, t, s and m. These will be the first five sounds they will learn at the beginning of next year but have started practicing to get them familiar. We read our story, completed our excursion and done some handwriting. To finish the session off the students used shapes to trace around to create a monster from the story ‘Where the Wild Things are’. The next time they come back they will be staying for the whole day.
We have been working on summaries of the books we are reading in class. We had a go at using “Somebody, Wanted, So, But, Then” to pull out the key elements of the story. We did use a tricky book but the students thought deeply about what the problem might have been. It was a super effort!